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(mirror) dotfiles for i3, rofi, wpgtk, zsh, antigen, vim and more


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To install


Install all:

pacman -S dunst i3status-rust jq kitty lxappearance lxsession-gtk3 neofetch nerd-fonts-roboto-mono network-manager-applet noto-fonts-emoji pamixer pavucontrol playerctl polkit-gnome python-i3ipc qt5-tools rofi ttf-dejavu xsettingsd
$aurhelper -S goes16-background-git himawaripy-git nerd-fonts-complete rofi-surfraw-git splatmoji-git wpgtk-git yay
Package name Repo Needed for Package description
dunst main notifications Customizable and lightweight notification-daemon
i3status-rust main status bar Resourcefriendly and feature-rich replacement for i3status, written in pure Rust
jq main scripts Command-line JSON processor
kitty main terminal emulator, used also as dropdown terminal A modern, hackable, featureful, OpenGL-based terminal emulator
lxappearance main to set GTK theme and icon-set Feature-rich GTK+ theme switcher of the LXDE Desktop
lxsession-gtk3 main needed for programms like e.g. gparted Lightweight X11 session manager (GTK+ 3 version)
neofetch main show system information A CLI system information tool written in BASH that supports displaying images.
nerd-fonts-roboto-mono main font for i3status-rust Patched font Roboto Mono from the nerd-fonts library
network-manager-applet main to choose network connection Applet for managing network connections
noto-fonts-emoji main emojis 😍😜🧑‍💻 Google Noto emoji fonts
pamixer main make sound control keys working Pulseaudio command-line mixer like amixer
pavucontrol main Sound settings and mixer PulseAudio Volume Contro
playerctl main make music control keys working mpris media player controller and lib for spotify, vlc, audacious, bmp, xmms2, and others.
polkit-gnome main needed for privileged GUI apps like GParted Legacy polkit authentication agent for GNOME
python-i3ipc main for scripts An improved Python library to control i3wm
qt5-tools main qdbus for w8unlock.zsh script A cross-platform application and UI framework (Development Tools, QtHelp)
rofi main launcher, to set theme, to exit i3, for searching the web, ... A window switcher, application launcher and dmenu replacement
ttf-dejavu main main font Font family based on the Bitstream Vera Fonts with a wider range of characters
xsettingsd main for wpgtk to live reload GTK+ theme Provides settings to X11 applications via the XSETTINGS specification
goes16-background-git AUR live earth wallpaper Put near-realtime picture of Earth as your desktop background.
himawaripy-git AUR live earth wallpaper (different satellite) Put near-realtime picture of Earth as your desktop background.
nerd-fonts-complete AUR more fonts Iconic font aggregator, collection, and patcher. 40+ patched fonts, over 3,600 glyph/icons
rofi-surfraw-git AUR web search with rofi Universal tool to search the internet
splatmoji-git AUR emoji picker Quickly look up and input emoji and/or emoticons/kaomoji on your GNU/Linux desktop via pop-up menu.
wpgtk-git AUR generate and set themes and configs based on wallpapers and templates A gui wallpaper chooser that changes your Openbox theme, GTK theme and Tint2 theme
yay AUR AUR helper Yet another yogurt. Pacman wrapper and AUR helper written in go.
i3/x11 specific

Install all:

pacman -S arandr autorandr feh gnome-screenshot i3-gaps picom redshift
Package name Repo Needed for Package description
arandr main to set monitor layout with GUI Provide a simple visual front end for XRandR 1.2.
autorandr main to set monitor layout automatically e.g. after reboot Auto-detect connected display hardware and load appropiate X11 setup using xrandr
feh main to set wallpaper Fast and light imlib2-based image viewer
gnome-screenshot main screenshots Take pictures of your screen
i3-gaps main my window manager A fork of i3wm tiling window manager with more features, indcluding gaps
picom main transparency and smooth transitions X compositor that may fix tearing issues
redshift main night mode Adjusts the color temperature of your screen according to your surroundings.
Sway/Wayland specific

Install all:

pacman -S grim kanshi slurp swappy sway swayidle wlsunset
$aurhelper -S swaylock-effects wdisplays
Package name Repo Needed for Package description
grim main screenshots Screenshot utility for Wayland
kanshi main to set monitor layout automatically e.g. after reboot Dynamic output configuration for Wayland WMs
slurp main screenshots Select a region in a Wayland compositor
swappy main screenshots Grab and edit screenshots from a Wayland compositor
sway main my window manager Tiling Wayland compositor and replacement for the i3 window manager
swayidle main automatic screen locking Idle management daemon for Wayland
swaylock-effects AUR screen locker A fancier screen locker for Wayland
wdisplays AUR to set monitor layout with GUI GUI display configurator for wlroots compositors
wlsunset main night mode Day/night gamma adjustments for Wayland compositors
flatpak install com.spotify.Client im.riot.Riot org.fcitx.Fcitx5 org.fcitx.Fcitx5.Addon.ChineseAddons org.fcitx.Fcitx5.Addon.Mozc org.gnome.Evolution org.keepassxc.KeePassXC org.mozilla.firefox org.signal.Signal org.telegram.desktop

sudo flatpak remote-add --if-not-exists flathub-beta
flatpak install im.dino.Dino

sudo flatpak remote-add --if-not-exists kdeapps
flatpak install org.kde.kdeconnect
Package name Repo Package description
com.spotify.Client flatpak Online music streaming service
im.riot.Riot flatpak Create, share, communicate, chat and call securely, and bridge to other apps
org.fcitx.Fcitx5 flatpak Input Method
org.fcitx.Fcitx5.Addon.ChineseAddons flatpak Add support for Pinyin, Table and many other Chinese related functionality to Fcitx
org.fcitx.Fcitx5.Addon.Mozc flatpak Japanese input method based on Mozc
org.gnome.Evolution flatpak Manage your email, contacts and schedule
org.keepassxc.KeePassXC flatpak Community-driven port of the Windows application “KeePass Password Safe”
org.mozilla.firefox flatpak Fast, Private & Safe Web Browser
org.signal.Signal flatpak Private messenger
org.telegram.desktop flatpak Fast. Secure. Powerful. (lol?)
im.dino.Dino flatpak-beta Modern XMPP Chat Client
org.kde.kdeconnect kdeapps Seamless connection of your devices
  1. Install the general packages, then choose i3 or sway (or both) and the autostart packages you want.
  2. Install dotfiles like descriped further down.
  3. Set monitor layout with arandr. If you you want to save multiple different monitor setups have a look at autorandr. With $mod+m there is a script to set some basic layouts.
  4. Run -ig and then go to your wallpaper folder and generate colorscheme with wpg -a * or alternatively do it over the gui with wpg.
  5. Set GTK theme to FlatColor and icon theme to FlattrColor. E.g using GDK_BACKEND=x11 lxappearance.
  6. Set colorscheme with wpg -s [TAB]. This also generates all the config files from the templates in .config/wpg/templates. So make sure that no error messages appear and that the config files are generated.
  7. Add the following line to cron with EDITOR=vim crontab -e and make sure cron service is running: sudo systemctl enable --now cronie.service.
00 * * * * $HOME/.config/wpg/scripted_themes/ >> $HOME/.config/wpg/scripted_themes/cron.log 2>&1
  1. Run the Firefox profile manager org.mozilla.firefox -ProfileManager -no-remote and add a profile with the name user.js and set the path to ~/.var/app/org.mozilla.firefox/.mozilla/firefox/user.js/.

Install dotfiles onto a new system

cd "${HOME}" || exit
git clone --recursive --jobs 8 --bare "${HOME}/.git"
alias dotfiles="git --work-tree=${HOME}"

# backup
mkdir -p .dotfiles-backup
if dotfiles checkout; then
  echo "Checked out dotfiles."
  echo "Backing up pre-existing dot files."
  dotfiles checkout 2>&1 | awk -F '\t' '/\t/ {print $2}' | xargs -I{} dirname .dotfiles-backup/{} | xargs -I{} mkdir -p {}
  dotfiles checkout 2>&1 | awk -F '\t' '/\t/ {print $2}' | xargs -I{} mv {} .dotfiles-backup/{}

dotfiles config core.bare false
git checkout
git submodule update --init --recursive --jobs 8

rm "${HOME}/.git/config"
git config include.path "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME:-~/.config}/dotfiles-git-config"

As single command:

curl '' | zsh

or even shorter

curl -L '' | zsh

Starting from scratch

I started with this tutorial on how to store your dotfiles

Alternativly can just use a default .git folder instead of .cfg and a git alias:

git init
git config --local status.showUntrackedFiles no

# replace with your username/repo
git remote add origin [email protected]:marzzzello/dotfiles.git

# then add the files you want to track
git add .zshrc


This project is licensed under the MIT License except for the mpv scripts [1][2].