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Migration Between Major Versions

Mark Rogoyski edited this page May 6, 2021 · 10 revisions

Upgrading to v2.0 from v1.0

  • PHP minimum version now 7.2 (was 7.0)
  • Deprecated code removed (backwards-incompatible change)
    • MathPHP\Statistics\Distance::kullbackLeiblerDivergence removed (Use MathPHP\Statistics\Divergence::kullbackLeibler instead)
    • MathPHP\Statistics\Distance::jensenShannonDivergence removed (Use MathPHP\Statistics\Divergence::jensenShannon instead)
    • Matrix Decompositions no longer implement \ArrayAccess interface to access decomposition matrixes. Use properties instead.
      • MathPHP\LinearAlgebra\Decomposition\Cholesky
        • $cholesky['L'], $cholesky['Lᵀ'], $cholesky['LT'] removed, use $cholesky->L, $cholesky->Lᵀ, $cholesky->LT instead.
      • MathPHP\LinearAlgebra\Decomposition\Crout
        • $crout['L'], $crout['U'] removed, use $crout->L, $crout->U instead.
      • MathPHP\LinearAlgebra\Decomposition\LU
        • $LU['L'], LU['U'], LU['P'] removed, use $LU->L, $LU->U, $LU->P instead.
      • MathPHP\LinearAlgebra\Decomposition\QR
        • $QR['Q'], $QR['R'] removed, use $QR->Q, $QR->R instead.
  • Methods renamed (backwards-incompatible change)
    • MathPHP\Statistics\Distance::bhattacharyyaDistance renamed to MathPHP\Statistics\Distance::bhattacharyya
    • MathPHP\Statistics\Distance::hellingerDistance renamed to MathPHP\Statistics\Distance::hellinger
  • Moved Functionality (backwards-incompatible change)
    • MathPHP\Functions\Polynomial moved to MathPHP\Expression\Polynomial
    • MathPHP\Functions\Piecewise moved to MathPHP\Expression\Piecewise
  • Matrix internal refactoring
    • Note: These changes will not affect any client code as long as matrices were created using MatrixFactory.
    • Matrix is not a base abstract class for all matrix classes to extend
    • Matrix renamed NumericMatrix
    • Matrix base method createZeroValue
      • Use case is various ObjectMatrix classes that implement ObjectArithmetic
    • RowVector removed. Use MatrixFactory::createFromRowVector instead
    • ColumnVector removed. Use MatrixFactory::createFromColumnVector instead
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