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What Todo

"What Todo" is a Chrome Extension to replace your "New Tab" page with a todo list experience.

Install via Chrome WebStore


  • Privacy: your data is stored in Chrome local storage only. It's never sent over the network.
  • Tasks from today move to yesterday automatically at 12am.
  • Use labels to sort, filter and manage your tasks.
  • Use the notes section to manage your notes for the past 6 days + tomorrow.

What Todo


# Install dependencies
yarn install

# Run app in development mode
yarn dev

Load extension in Chrome

  1. Go to chrome://extensions
  2. Click "Load unpacked" (top left of the page)
  3. Choose the what-todo/dist folder
  4. Open a new tab


1. Bump version

Bump the version in the package.json file.

2. Create a new release

Run the following script to generate a new release:

yarn release

Releases are created under releases/what-todo.{version}.zip.

New releases should be uploaded to the Chrome Web Store manually.