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WoW XML Template Namespacer

v1.1.0 Latest version

WoW XML Template Namespacer


WoW XML Template Namespacer

Namespaces XML template libraries so to eliminate collision risk with other AddOns


Copy and paste the following snippet into your .yml file.


- name: WoW XML Template Namespacer

uses: emptyrivers/[email protected]

Learn more about this action in emptyrivers/wow-xml-namespacer

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XML Namespacer

A small script you can add to your build pipeline to transform XML templates in a library into a namespaced variant, to help avoid collisions with other addons.


in any workflow (preferably after running the BigWigsMods/packager step)

      # blah blah blah, grab externals
      - uses: emptyrivers/[email protected]
          path: path/to/xml/templates # This can be any glob, & is appended with /*.{xml, lua} before being sent to grep
          name: MyAmazingAddOn # reccomend using your addon name, to ensure uniqueness as far as blizzard is concerned
          pattern: MyAddOn #optional, defaults to MyAddOn

      # blah blah blah, upload to CF or wherever

Some limitations

Because the standard packager is somewhat atomic, it's a bit awkward to inject an extra processing step into the middle. Consider running the packager once with -zd (skip upload & zip creation), then (after this step) run it again with -el (skip download of dependencies & localization, but do zip & upload)