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GitHub Action






Execute any script through ssh


Copy and paste the following snippet into your .yml file.


- name: ssh-job

uses: nekiro/[email protected]

Learn more about this action in nekiro/ssh-job

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Easier automated deployment through ssh via Github Action. 🚀

Execute commands on target server with few easy steps :)


Param default required description
host n/a true Host to connect to
port 22 false Port to connect to
key n/a true Private key used for authorization
user n/a true User used for authorization
password n/a false Password used for authorization
envs n/a false Json serialized secrets exported to shell
ignoredEnvs n/a false List of comma separated envs to ignore when exporting to shell
command n/a true Command/s or script to execute
exportActionOptions false true Export action options, this is handy when you want to access HOST, USER or any other options in shell script


Authorize with ssh private key and execute some commands

- name: create-directory
  uses: nekiro/ssh-job@main
    host: ${{ secrets.HOST }}
    key: ${{ secrets.KEY }}
    user: ${{ secrets.USER }}
    command: |
      mkdir dir

It's possible to automatically pass github secrets to the shell script, it allows you to use provided secrets directly in the bash script.

In this example, we have few secrets for example DIRECTORY, we want to pass all of them to shell script, so we simply add envs: ${{ toJson(secrets) }} and use it as regular bash variable

Keep in mind action options are not exported by default, so you wont be able to access HOST, KEY etc.

- name: create-directory
  uses: nekiro/ssh-job@main
    host: ${{ secrets.HOST }}
    key: ${{ secrets.KEY }}
    user: ${{ secrets.USER }}
    envs: ${{ toJson(secrets) }}
    command: mkdir $DIRECTORY


Want to improve this project or found a bug? Feel free to open pull requests and create issues.

If you are not technical or simply don't have time, there is always a way to give back by clicking on the sponsor tab and sending some $, everything is appreciated :D