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Bug Reports (GitHub Issues) Quality Checker.

Motivation. The quality of bug reports is paramount for the overall quality of a software project: poorly formulated bug reports often lead to wasted time, programmers frustration, and delays. This repository is a Github Action that would trigger on every new issue submitted, check that issue for quality problems, and report them in the issue as a comment, asking bug reporter to fix the report.

How to use

Consider this configuration:

name: reports-check
   types: opened
  issues: write
  contents: read
    runs-on: ubuntu-22.04
      - uses: actions/checkout@v4
      - uses: tracehubpm/reports-check-action@latest
          openai_token: ${{ secrets.OPENAI_TOKEN }}
          github_token: ${{ secrets.GH_TOKEN }}


Quality checker can be configured the way you want. These are the parameters you can use/override:

  • openai_token: Open AI API key, you can obtain it here.
  • github_token: GitHub token to post messages in the issue's comments.
  • openai_model: Open AI ChatGPT model, the default one is gpt-4.
  • deepinfra_token: Deep Infra API key, you can obtain it here.
  • deepinfra_model: Deep Infra API model, the default one is Phind/Phind-CodeLlama-34B-v2, check out all available models.

Issues to ignore

You can configure this action to ignore some incoming issues. To do so, you can use exclude and pass to it an array of regular expressions. Consider this configuration:

name: reports-check
   types: opened
  issues: write
  contents: read
    runs-on: ubuntu-22.04
      - uses: actions/checkout@v4
      - uses: tracehubpm/reports-check-action@latest
          openai_token: ${{ secrets.OPENAI_TOKEN }}
          github_token: ${{ secrets.GH_TOKEN }}
          exclude: '["^I have a question*.+$", "^I want to request new feature*.+$"]'

In this case we are preventing all issues with titles I have a question... and I want to request new feature... to be analyzed by the reports checker.

Puzzle (PDD) Analysis

This action supports analysis not only for issues created manually, but also for puzzles, a.k.a todo in your code. Puzzle Driven Development (2010), 12/840,306 was suggested as a novel way for managing issues in software development. Read how it works:

Issue is treated as puzzle if it satisfies the following regex:

The puzzle `(.+)` from #(\d+) has to be resolved:.+

Then we are parsing the issue to find a tree path where puzzle is hidden.

This one

Turns into 3 elements:

  • file path (src/main/java/
  • source code
  • puzzle, located in range of 61 and 66 lines

After all of this done, we provide it to LLM and ask for quality problems.

Quality Evaluation Process

Each bug report goes through quality evaluation process, where your report will be assessed by those configured criteria using .rules.yml placed in the root of the repo:


If your bug report does not match these criteria, it will be rejected automatically by robot.

Quality criteria are based on several researches, including:

How to contribute

Fork repository, make changes, send us a pull request. We will review your changes and apply them to the master branch shortly, provided they don't violate our quality standards. To avoid frustration, before sending us your pull request please run full build:

$ npm install
$ npm run gha