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GitHub Action

release-it Action

v0.2.3 Latest version

release-it Action


release-it Action

Runs release-it as a GitHub Action, with handling for semantic releases and protected branches. πŸ“€


Copy and paste the following snippet into your .yml file.


- name: release-it Action

uses: JoshuaKGoldberg/[email protected]

Learn more about this action in JoshuaKGoldberg/release-it-action

Choose a version


Runs release-it as a GitHub Action, with handling for semantic releases and protected branches. πŸ“€

All Contributors: 1 Codecov Test Coverage Contributor Covenant License: MIT Style: Prettier TypeScript: Strict npm package version


This action works by:

  1. Checking should-semantic-release for whether a new release is necessary, and bailing if not
  2. Fetching any existing branch protections for the configured branch, and temporarily deleting them if found
  3. Running release-it
  4. Restoring any temporarily deleted branch protections

Run JoshuaKGoldberg/release-it-action in a GitHub workflow after building your code and setting your npm token:

  group: ${{ github.workflow }}

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - uses: actions/checkout@v4
          fetch-depth: 0
          ref: main
      - run: npm build
      - env:
          GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.ACCESS_TOKEN }}
          NPM_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.NPM_TOKEN }}
        uses: JoshuaKGoldberg/[email protected]

name: Release

      - main

  contents: write
  id-token: write


Key Type Default Description
branch string "main" Branch to delete and recreate branch protections on (unless skip-branch-protections).
git-user-email string ${<git-user-name>} git config value for Git commits.
git-user-name string ${} git config value for Git commits.
github-token string ${GITHUB_TOKEN} GitHub token (PAT) with repo and workflow permissions.
npm-token string ${NPM_TOKEN} npm access token with the automation role.
skip-branch-protections boolean false Whether to skip deleting and recreating branch protections.

Node API

release-it-action can be installed as a dependency that exports a releaseItAction function:

npm i release-it-action
import { releaseItAction } from "release-it-action";

await releaseItAction({
	branch: "main",
	gitUserEmail: "[email protected]",
	gitUserName: "YourUsername",
	githubToken: process.env.GITHUB_TOKEN,
	npmToken: process.env.NPM_TOKEN,
	owner: "YourUsername",
	repo: "your-repository",

Note that all non-boolean inputs are required and do not have default values in the Node API.


Why does the checkout action run on the branch with full history?

release-it-action needs to run on the latest commit on the default/release branch and with a concurrency group. Otherwise, if multiple workflows are triggered quickly, later workflows might not include release commits from earlier workflows.

Why does this delete and recreate branch protections?

It would be great to instead either change which branch is protected or have a native GitHub API to disable a branch protection rule. Neither exist at time of writing. If you know that one now exists, please do file an issue!


  • #13 for supporting bypassing PR allowances
  • #14 for supporting dismissal restrictions


Josh Goldberg ✨
Josh Goldberg ✨

πŸ’» πŸ–‹ πŸ“– πŸ€” πŸš‡ 🚧 πŸ“† πŸ”§ πŸ› ⚠️

πŸ’™ This package is based on @JoshuaKGoldberg's create-typescript-app.