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Go Release Action


Go Release Action


Go Release Action

Build release for go


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- name: Go Release Action

uses: Mmx233/[email protected]

Learn more about this action in Mmx233/GoReleaseCli

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~$ release --help-long
usage: release [<flags>] <target>

Golang build production release helper.

  -h, --[no-]help          Show context-sensitive help (also try --help-long and
  -v, --[no-]version       Show application version.
  -j, --thread=(NumCpu+1)  How many threads to use for parallel compilation.
  -c, --compress=COMPRESS  Compress the binary into the specified format of
                           compressed file.
                           Disable ldflags added by default.
      --ldflags=LDFLAGS    Add custom ldflags.
      --[no-]soft-float    Enable soft float for mips.
      --[no-]cgo           Enable go cgo.
      --os=OS              Target os
      --arch=ARCH          Target arch.
  -d, --output="build"     Output dir path.
  -o, --name=NAME          Output binary file name.

  <target>  Target package.

🎷 Usage

CGO, soft-float, compression is disabled by default.

By default, compile for all architecture types. You can use the flags --os and --arch to specify the operating system or architecture, separated by commas. The program will automatically match valid architectures for compilation.

~$ release ./cmd/release
~$ release ./cmd/release --os linux,windows
~$ release ./cmd/release --arch amd64,386

During compilation, default ldflags include -extldflags "-static -fpic" -s -w as well as trimpath. If additional custom ldflags are needed, you can use an additional flag to append them.

~$ release ./cmd/release --ldflags='-X main.Version=5.5.5'

~$ release ./cmd/release --disable-default-ldflags # Remove default ldflags.

When using --soft-float, a soft floating-point version will be added for all MIPS architectures.

~$ release ./cmd/release --soft-float

Compress to the specified format, dependent on the 7z library. Currently supported formats include zip and tar.gz.

~$ release  ./cmd/release -c tar.gz

By default, the directory name of the target directory will be used, and the compilation result will be placed in the build directory. This can also be modified using flags.

~$ release ./cmd/release --output dist # Modify the output directory to be "dist"
~$ release ./cmd/release -d dist

~$ release ./cmd/release --name asd # Change the name to "asd".
~$ release ./cmd/release -o asd