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GitHub Action

Algorithmia CI/CD

v1.2.2-rc1 Pre-release

Algorithmia CI/CD


Algorithmia CI/CD

End-to-end Continuous Integration & Deployment for Algorithms on


Copy and paste the following snippet into your .yml file.


- name: Algorithmia CI/CD

uses: algorithmiaio/[email protected]

Learn more about this action in algorithmiaio/algorithmia-ci-action

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algorithmia-ci action

An algorithmia github Action to test and deploy github backed algorithms. When attached as a workflow for an Algorithmia algorithm, can automatically deploy new versions when provided tests pass.

For this action to function, the github action actions/checkout must be called before this action, as we search for key files in your algorithm repository for simplicity. An example workflow of this is below, however if you want to jump into a full algorithm example click here.

Action Input

    description: 'Your algorithm management capable Algorithmia API key'
    required: true
    description: 'The API address for the Algorithmia Cluster you wish to connect to'
    required: false
    default: ''
    description: 'identifier to describe how to promote this release'
    required: false
    default: "minor"
    description: 'directory name for the local project stored in /github/workspace due to an "actions/checkout" command'
    required: true
  api_key - (required) - An Algorithmia api key that has execute access for the algorithm you wish to test, has full access for algorithms. read more about that [here](
  api_address - (optional) - The Algorithmia API cluster address you wish to connect to, if using a private cluster; please provide the correct path to your environment.
  version_schema - (optional) - The [semantic version]( parameter that will get incremented whenever this action gets triggered. May be "Major", "Minor", or "Revision"
  path - (required) - The workspace path variable provided to the actions/checkout@v2 of the current job

Important Files

Your Algorithm naturally contains a algorithmia.conf file which we parse to gather the algorithm name from, however a new file called TEST_CASES.json is required. The required schema of this json file is shown below:

Case Schema

Your test cases should follow the following json schema

    "case_name": String,
    "input": Any,
    "expected_output": Any,
    "type": String,
    "tree": List
  • input (required) - the raw input that will be passed into the algorithm. Typically this will be a json dictionary, json list, or a primitive type (like a string).
  • expected_output (required) - What we are comparing against the result of your algorithm, which can be scoped in conjunction with setting tree. For types GREATER_OR_EQUAL and LESS_OR_EQUAL this must be a number value. For types NO_EXCEPTION and EXCEPTION this field is optional.
  • type (optional) - defines the type of matching that can be done, options include EXACT_MATCH, GREATER_OR_EQUAL, LESS_OR_EQUAL, NO_EXCEPTION and EXCEPTION. Defaults to EXACT_MATCH
  • tree (optional) - A list defining the json keys we should traverse in order to find the value you wish to compare against with expected_output.

Example Case

      "case_name": "image_classifier_accuracy",
      "input": {"image_data":  [...]},
      "expected_output": 0.7,
      "type": "GREATER_OR_EQUAL",
      "tree": ["accuracy"],

Example workflow

Below is the standard algorithm CI workflow we recommend you use to take advantage of our CI/CD system. If you have any questions or comments please feel free to create an issue.

# This is an example using the Algorithmia CI action

name: CI

# Controls when the action will run. Triggers the workflow on push or pull request
# In this instance we're triggering this workflow whenever a push to master is performed.
    branches: [master]

  # This workflow only contains a single job, however if you'd like you can split this processing across multiple jobs.
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest

    - name: Checkout
      uses: actions/[email protected]
        ref: ${{github.sha}}
        path: algorithm
    - name: Algorithmia CI
      uses: algorithmiaio/[email protected]
        # Your master Algorithmia API key
        api_key: ${{ secrets.mgmt_api_key }}
        # The API address for the Algorithmia Cluster you wish to connect to
        # identifier to describe how to promote this release ('major', 'minor', 'revision')
        version_schema: minor
        # the path variable you defined in the actions/checkout action triggered before this one.
        path: algorithm