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Action Insights - RepoTower

RepoTower Action Insights give you extensive insights and analytics to explore your usage of Github Actions.

Armed with this information, you will be able to identify bottleneck that impact developper productivity and increase costs.

Improve Developer Experience with Detailed CI/CD pipeline analytics

Repotower Action Insights give you a clear view of what is going on in your CI/CI pipeline. Thanks to the ability to go from an organization view to see the details of a single step on a single job, you can easily find bottlenecks and invisible cost in your CI/CD pipeline.

For everyone, automatically

Anybody with a GitHub account and access to your Github organization can access RepoTower Action Insights. You do not need to send invites, or to manage access. It is all automatic.

Risk free

RepoTower Action Insights is is using the GitHub API to get the information it needs, without requiring access to your code, or any other sensitive information. We use no tracking, no advertisement, no 3rd party cookies.

Organization overview

Pricing and setup

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Action Insights - RepoTower

Free plan

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Action Insights - RepoTower is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate privacy policy and support documentation.