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interdisciplinary project HS Osnabrueck

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Creating a rasa chatbot to answer FAQs and manage event registration for Kompetenzzentrum 4.0 Lingen

Setup Rasa X server (Docker)

  1. Download the install script for Rasa X either for a specific version
curl -sSL -o

or edge version

curl -sSL -o
  1. Install Rasa X
sudo bash ./
  1. Start up Rasa X in the Backround
cd /etc/rasa
sudo docker-compose up -d
  1. Set up your password
cd /etc/rasa
sudo python3 create --update admin me <PASSWORD>

For more Information also see: (

Connect Rasa X with your Git Repository

  1. Start Rasa X within your webbrowser and navigate to the "Connect to a reposetory" option

  2. Clone your Git Repos URL with SSH and paste it in the "SSH for repository" field in Rasa X

  3. For the filed "Target branch" choose "master"

  4. Copy the SSH deply key from Rasa X and paste ist into your Git Repos Settings/Deploy keys. Title the key and give write accsess

  5. Press "Verify connection" Button

Set up Docker Compose for the Docker Image with Spacy & Action Server

  1. Download the Rasa X Docker-compose.yml (in this case for Version == 1.0.1)
wget -qO docker-compose.yml
  1. Create a directory for the Rasa-Sevice Dockerfile (e. g. "rasa-service")
sudo mkdir rasa-service
  1. Within the directrory create a Dockerfile
sudo nano Dockerfile
  1. Paste this code to extend the Dockerimage with Spacy

USER root

RUN pip install -U pip setuptools wheel
RUN pip install -U spacy

RUN python -m spacy download de_core_news_lg

USER 1001
  1. Create a directory for the Rasa-Action Dockerfile (e. g. "rasa-action")
sudo mkdir rasa-action
  1. Within the directrory create a Dockerfile
sudo nano Dockerfile
  1. Paste this code to extend the Dockerimage for the Action Server
# Extend the offical Rasa SDK image
FROM rasa/rasa-sdk:2.8.2

# Use Subdirectory as working directory

# Copy any additional custom requirements, if necesarry (uncomment next line)
# COPY actions/requirements.txt ./

# Change User
USER root

# Install extra reqirements for actions, if necesarry (uncoment next line)
# RUN pip install -r requirements.txt

# Copy actions folder to working directory
COPY ./actions /app/actions

# Change User
USER 1001
  1. Within the rasa-action folder create a subfolder 'actions' for all custom actions files and the requirements.txt file. Paste the Pythone code into the files and the required libraries into the .txt file
cd etc/rasa/rasa-actions
sudo mkdir actions
sudo nano actions/
sudo nano actions/
sudo nano actions/requirements.txt
  1. Change permissions for rasa-service and rasa-action respectively
sudo chmod 775 -R rasa-service
sudo chmod 775 -R rasa-action
  1. In the docker-compose.yml file, adapt the x-rasa-services: &default-rasa-service section
x-rasa-services: &default-rasa-service
    context: ./rasa-service
      RASA_IMAGE: "rasa/rasa:${RASA_VERSION}-full"
  restart: always
      - ./.config:/.config
  1. In the docker-compose.yml file, adapt the app section
      context: ./rasa-action
    restart: always
      - "5055"
      - rasa-production
  1. Rebuild the Docker image
sudo docker-compose down
sudo docker-compose build
sudo docker-compose up -d

Rasa installation (local)

  1. Create a virtual enviroment with python version 3.7
conda create --name tabalurasa python==3.7
  1. Activate the virtual enviroment
conda activate tabularasa
  1. Use an older version of pip due to backtracking runtime issue (
python -m pip install --upgrade pip==20.2
  1. Install rasa
pip install rasa
  1. Copy this repository

  2. Open the project in your favourite IDE

  3. Create a settings.json in the project directory (root) with the following content:

    "python.pythonPath": "C:\\XXXXX\\XXXXX\\XXXXX\\XXXXX\\python.exe",
    "": ["/K", "C:\\XXXXX\\XXXXX\\XXXXX\\activate.bat C:\\XXXXX\\XXXXX\\XXXXX\\tabularasa"]
  1. Adjust the path to the corresponding files e.g.:
    "python.pythonPath": "C:\\DEV\\miniconda3\\envs\\tabularasa\\python.exe",
    "": ["/K", "C:\\DEV\\miniconda3\\Scripts\\activate.bat C:\\DEV\\miniconda3\\envs\\tabularasa"]
  1. Install spacy for advanced natural language processing
pip install spacy
  1. Check your rasa version
rasa --version

This is my output:

This is my output:
Rasa Version      :         2.8.16
Minimum Compatible Version: 2.8.9
Rasa SDK Version  :         2.8.2
Rasa X Version    :         1.0.1
Python Version    :         3.7.11
Operating System  :         Windows-10-10.0.19041-SP0
Python Path       :         c:\dev\miniconda3\envs\tabularasa\python.exe
  1. Train the rasa model
rasa train
  1. Interact with the bot via terminal
rasa shell

For more information see the official rasa documentation:

Access Rasa X server

  1. Use the network of the hs osnabrück (e. g. via eduVPN)

  2. Open in your favourite browser and login with credentials

UI maintenance

The UI is build with rasa webchat. A chat widget to deploy virtual assistants made with rasa or botfront on any website.

For more information see the rasa webchat project:

The script which contains the body, the parameters and other features you will find here:


Access the ratings.csv

Option 1: From inside the container

  1. Access Rasa X server (see above)
  2. Open the container bash for navigation (replace the with the current id of the application container)
docker container exec -it <CONTAINERID> bash
  1. View the content of the file by
cat ratings.csv
  1. Close the bash with CTRL + D

Option 2: From outside the container

  1. Access Rasa X server (see above)
  2. Copy the file to your Local System (replace the with the current id of the application container)
sudo docker cp <CONTAINERID>:app/ratings.csv ~/ratings.csv
  1. Navigate to copied file, where you will find the ratings
cd home/tabula

We recommend to access the ratings.csv from outside the container.