Aurora Innovation
- California
- https://www.linkedin.com/in/marionleborgne/
- @marion_leborgne
A collection of learning resources for curious software engineers
Visualization framework for autonomy and robotics data encoded in XVIZ
A protocol for real-time transfer and visualization of autonomy data
Resumes generated using the GitHub informations
Render After Effects animations natively on Web, Android and iOS, and React Native. http://airbnb.io/lottie/
💬 Chat application using AWS IoT platform via MQTT over the WebSocket protocol
HTML/CSS drawing in the style of an 18th-century oil painting. Hand-coded entirely in HTML & CSS.
A declarative JavaScript library for application development using cloud services.
A React-based UI toolkit for the web
MacOS system extension that allows applications to pass audio to other applications. Soundflower works on macOS Catalina.
Auth0 user impersonation utility, see what your customers see
Minimal starter boilerplate project with CRA, React, Redux, React Router and Auth0 authentication
Offers a comprehensive sample using modern react & redux libraries on how to achieve a custom UI embedded login
Vanilla web component that listens for the Konami Code
React component for entering and validating international telephone numbers
An open-source implementation of the AlphaGoZero algorithm
Low level, multiprocessing based AWS Kinesis producer & consumer library
Simple multi-threaded Kinesis Poster and Worker Python examples
Sample Electron application using create-react-app
Kafka implemented in Golang with built-in coordination (No ZK dep, single binary install, Cloud Native)
Handcrafted starter projects, optimized for simplicity and ease of use.
RabbitMQ peer discovery and cluster formation plugin, supports RabbitMQ 3.6.x
A NodeJS API that supports username and password authentication with JWTs
A React Higher Order Component (HOC) for handling Authentication and Authorization with Routing and Redux
Write with those green dots on your GitHub profile
Smoothie Charts: smooooooth JavaScript charts for realtime streaming data
React starter kit with "Most Wanted" application features