My build of st (stimple terminal by suckless)
- I have reworked this build and based it on more recent patches and last st stable release 0.8.4.
- The keyboard shortcuts in this repo are now vanilla st keyboard shortcuts. Feel free to adjust them
This simple build is based on st version 0.8.4 (original version can be downloaded here from the official suckless website )
These st patches are included in the build for convenience:
- keyboard-select - enabled urxvt like keyboard selection in the terminal
- scrollback - Enables scrollback in suckless terminal with mousewheel support.
- clipboard - selection is automaticaly copied to the main clipboard
- alpha - Terminal supports transparency (you will need some compositor like picom or compton)
- xresources - You can configure colors, transparency, termname, cursor and other things in .Xresources. In case of problems see Troubleshooting below
- Scrollback: Shift + Page Up/Page Down or mousewheel
- Start keyboard movement mode: Ctrl + Shift + S
- move with h, j, k, l
- toggle/untoggle select mode: s
- input mode and search up/down: / or ?
- copy selection and quit selection mode (keep selection highlighted): Enter
- copy selection and quit selction mode (no highlight): Esc
Other keyboard shortucts from keyboard_select patch remain unchanged, see:
- Mouse selection is automatically copied to the PRIMARY clipboard
- Use right click to paste (yes putty style paste is enabled)
Set the paste to middle-button:
Open up config.h in your favourite editor and change the button to here to Button2:
static MouseShortcut mshortcuts[] = {
/* mask button function argument release */
{ XK_ANY_MOD, Button3, selpaste, {.i = 0}, 1 },
Now recompile with:
sudo make clean install
- Just go to the repo folder and run
to compile. - To install run
sudo make install
tput errors at start - You might need to add some variables to your ~/.Xresources file you can use sample variables in the file Xresource_sample
. Don't forget to run xrdb -merge ~/.Xresources
to merge the changes. After that recompile st.
When you ssh into a server it complains that the "terminal is not fully functional" - Check if terminfo was correctly added for your user. If not, go to the repo folder and run tic -sx