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Yet Another Logger C++ light-weight logging


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Yet Another Logger: C++ light-weight logger


  • Single header file, less than 1,000 lines of code
  • Supports C++11 and later
  • Supports Linux, macOS, and Windows
  • Threadsafe (and thread identification)
  • Minimal coding to log
  • Logs timestamp, thread, level, file, line number, function, condition
  • Logs to stdout, stderr, and/or files
  • Customize to log to other destinations
  • Customize to change the format of the logging output
  • Can create/update a file to change logging settings while code is running
  • Can automaticaly log all if, while, and switch statements in Trace mode
  • Can set logging level per file or group of files
  • Over 80% unit test code coverage

Logging Levels

Constant Call Description
yalo::Fatal lFatal Always log and call abort()
yalo::Fatal lFatalIf(condition) If condition is true, log and call abort()
yalo::Log lLog Information that should always be in the log (version, settings, etc)
yalo::Error lError An error occurred (default logging level)
yalo::Error lErrorIf(condition) condition is the error condition and will log if true(default logging level)
yalo::Warning lWarn Warn about potential problems
yalo::Warning lWarnIf(condition) condition is a potential problem if true
yalo::Info lInfo Log general information
yalo::Debug lDebug Log information helpful for debugging
yalo::Verbose lVerbose Log an excessive amount of information for deeper debugging
yalo::Trace lTrace Log execution, including every if, while, and switch

Trace if, while, and switch

By default, every if, while, and switch will be available in yalo::Trace mode. This adds a small amount of code to every if, while iteration, and switch. While this code is small, it may have a performance impact. To disable this tracing ability, you can define DISABLE_YALO_TRACE.

Example logging code

    lLog << "Program version" << version_string;
    lErr << "We're all going to die!";
    lErrIf(file == nullptr) << "crash eminent!";
    lWarn << "Warning!";
    lWarnIf(size > 5) << "We should work but this is kind of big" << size;
    lInfo << "How did we get here?";
    lDebug << "iteration #" << iteration << "size = " << size;
    lVerbose << "Checking if we should move forward";
    lTrace << "Here";
    if (x == 5 && y == 7) {...}

Example log

The log can output the following information:

  • Timestamp (local or GMT)
  • Thread index (index of the order in which the threads logged)
  • Log level
  • Source file
  • Source line number
  • Function or method
  • Conditional that triggered the logging
  • The log message
[2025-02-23 02:52:22.912 (Sun)][0][LOG] New Settings File: bin/testCommandFile.txt
[2025-02-23 02:52:22.912 (Sun)][0][LOG] Resetting format to default GMT
[2025-02-22 20:52:22.912 -0600 (Sat)][0][LOG] Resetting format to default
[2025-02-22 20:52:22.912 -0600 (Sat)][0][LOG] Adding sink to bin/testCommandFile.log
[2025-02-22 20:52:22.912 -0600 (Sat)][0][LOG] resetLevels to 0
[2025-02-22 20:52:22.912 -0600 (Sat)][0][LOG] Turned padding on
[2025-02-22 20:52:22.912 -0600 (Sat)][0][LOG] Turned padding off
[2025-02-22 20:52:22.912 -0600 (Sat)][0][LOG] Set level #1 pattern = ''
[2025-02-22 20:52:22.912 -0600 (Sat)][0][LOG] Set level #4 pattern = 'test_yalo.cpp'
[2025-02-22 20:52:22.912 -0600 (Sat)][0][DBG][src/tests/test_yalo.cpp:495][testCommandFile] testing
[2025-02-22 20:52:22.912 -0600 (Sat)][0][LOG] New Settings File: bin/nonexistant/path/testCommandFile.txt
[2025-02-23 02:52:22.912 (Sun)][0][WRN][src/tests/test_yalo.cpp:523][testConditionals][value1 > 2] too big
[2025-02-23 02:52:22.912 (Sun)][0][ERR][src/tests/test_yalo.cpp:524][testConditionals][value1 < 10] too small
[2025-02-23 02:52:22.913 (Sun)][0][LOG] New Settings File: bin/nonexistant/path/testCommandFile.txt

Changing log levels at Runtime

In the code you can specify a path to a file to watch for logging settings. You can do this by calling yalo::Logger::setSettingsFile({path}, {secondsBetweenChecks});

Here is an example of the file:

setLevel: Error
setLevel: Trace=main.cpp

You can have the following commands in the file:


Same as calling Logger::addSink(std::unique_ptr<FileSink>(new FileSink({path})));


Starts logging to the given path.


Same as calling Logger::addSink(std::unique_ptr<StdErrSink>(new StdErrSink()));


Starts logging to stderr.

Note: If you are already logging to stderr or specify this command more than once you will see duplicate lines.


Same as calling Logger::addSink(std::unique_ptr<StdOutSink>(new StdOutSink()));


Starts logging to stdout.

Note: If you are already logging to stdout or specify this command more than once you will see duplicate lines.


Same as calling Logger::clearSinks();


Removes all current logging sinks.

Note: If this is not immedeately followed by addSinkStdOut, addSinkStdErr, or addSink then addSinkStdErr will automatically happen.


Same as calling Logger::setInserterSpacing(InserterAsIs);


When log streaming, no extra spacing will be inserted between inserts.

lLog << "test" << 5 << "more";

will result in logging:



Same as calling Logger::setInserterSpacing(InserterPad);


When log streaming, an extra space will be inserted between inserts.

lLog << "test" << 5 << "more";

will result in logging:

test 5 more


Same as calling Logger::resetLevels(_fromString({level}));


Clears all file pattern files and sets all logging to {level}.


Same as calling Logger::setFormat(std::unique_ptr<DefaultFormatter>(new DefaultFormatter()));


Reset the log formatter back to the default, using local time.


Same as calling Logger::setFormat(std::unique_ptr<DefaultFormatter>(new DefaultFormatter(DefaultFormatter::GMT)));


Reset the log formatter back to the default, using GMT time.


Same as calling Logger::setLevel({level}, {pattern});


The first entry will set the default global {level}. The second entry will set the {level} for the given file pattern.

File Patterns

You can specify a file matching pattern to change the logging level per file or group of files. The pattern consists of case-sensitive substrings to look for in the file, separated by semicolon (;). If a pattern begins with a minus (-) then it will not match that pattern. The evaluation walks through all the patterns with positive patterns being ORed in and negative patterns removing files.

File pattern example

This is interpreted as: files that contain src/ in them, but do not include src/include and do not include main.cpp.

Basically take your filename and walk through the pattern and add it if at matches a positive and remove it when it matches a negative.


This example shows all files under src/, but not files in src/include/, but do include .cpp files (including those in src/include/).