Yet Another Logger: C++ light-weight logger
- Single header file, less than 1,000 lines of code
- Supports C++11 and later
- Supports Linux, macOS, and Windows
- Threadsafe (and thread identification)
- Minimal coding to log
- Logs timestamp, thread, level, file, line number, function, condition
- Logs to
, and/or files - Customize to log to other destinations
- Customize to change the format of the logging output
- Can create/update a file to change logging settings while code is running
- Can automaticaly log all
, andswitch
statements inTrace
mode - Can set logging level per file or group of files
- Over 80% unit test code coverage
Constant | Call | Description |
yalo::Fatal | lFatal | Always log and call abort() |
yalo::Fatal | lFatalIf(condition) | If condition is true, log and call abort() |
yalo::Log | lLog | Information that should always be in the log (version, settings, etc) |
yalo::Error | lError | An error occurred (default logging level) |
yalo::Error | lErrorIf(condition) | condition is the error condition and will log if true(default logging level) |
yalo::Warning | lWarn | Warn about potential problems |
yalo::Warning | lWarnIf(condition) | condition is a potential problem if true |
yalo::Info | lInfo | Log general information |
yalo::Debug | lDebug | Log information helpful for debugging |
yalo::Verbose | lVerbose | Log an excessive amount of information for deeper debugging |
yalo::Trace | lTrace | Log execution, including every if , while , and switch |
By default, every if
, while
, and switch
will be available in yalo::Trace
This adds a small amount of code to every if
, while
iteration, and switch
While this code is small, it may have a performance impact.
To disable this tracing ability, you can define DISABLE_YALO_TRACE
lLog << "Program version" << version_string;
lErr << "We're all going to die!";
lErrIf(file == nullptr) << "crash eminent!";
lWarn << "Warning!";
lWarnIf(size > 5) << "We should work but this is kind of big" << size;
lInfo << "How did we get here?";
lDebug << "iteration #" << iteration << "size = " << size;
lVerbose << "Checking if we should move forward";
lTrace << "Here";
if (x == 5 && y == 7) {...}
The log can output the following information:
- Timestamp (local or GMT)
- Thread index (index of the order in which the threads logged)
- Log level
- Source file
- Source line number
- Function or method
- Conditional that triggered the logging
- The log message
[2025-02-23 02:52:22.912 (Sun)][0][LOG] New Settings File: bin/testCommandFile.txt
[2025-02-23 02:52:22.912 (Sun)][0][LOG] Resetting format to default GMT
[2025-02-22 20:52:22.912 -0600 (Sat)][0][LOG] Resetting format to default
[2025-02-22 20:52:22.912 -0600 (Sat)][0][LOG] Adding sink to bin/testCommandFile.log
[2025-02-22 20:52:22.912 -0600 (Sat)][0][LOG] resetLevels to 0
[2025-02-22 20:52:22.912 -0600 (Sat)][0][LOG] Turned padding on
[2025-02-22 20:52:22.912 -0600 (Sat)][0][LOG] Turned padding off
[2025-02-22 20:52:22.912 -0600 (Sat)][0][LOG] Set level #1 pattern = ''
[2025-02-22 20:52:22.912 -0600 (Sat)][0][LOG] Set level #4 pattern = 'test_yalo.cpp'
[2025-02-22 20:52:22.912 -0600 (Sat)][0][DBG][src/tests/test_yalo.cpp:495][testCommandFile] testing
[2025-02-22 20:52:22.912 -0600 (Sat)][0][LOG] New Settings File: bin/nonexistant/path/testCommandFile.txt
[2025-02-23 02:52:22.912 (Sun)][0][WRN][src/tests/test_yalo.cpp:523][testConditionals][value1 > 2] too big
[2025-02-23 02:52:22.912 (Sun)][0][ERR][src/tests/test_yalo.cpp:524][testConditionals][value1 < 10] too small
[2025-02-23 02:52:22.913 (Sun)][0][LOG] New Settings File: bin/nonexistant/path/testCommandFile.txt
In the code you can specify a path to a file to watch for logging settings.
You can do this by calling yalo::Logger::setSettingsFile({path}, {secondsBetweenChecks});
Here is an example of the file:
setLevel: Error
setLevel: Trace=main.cpp
You can have the following commands in the file:
- addSink
- addSinkStdErr
- addSinkStdOut
- clearSinks
- noPad
- pad
- resetLevels
- setFormatDefault
- setFormatDefaultGMT
- setLevel (globally and for specific files)
Same as calling Logger::addSink(std::unique_ptr<FileSink>(new FileSink({path})));
Starts logging to the given path.
Same as calling Logger::addSink(std::unique_ptr<StdErrSink>(new StdErrSink()));
Starts logging to stderr
Note: If you are already logging to stderr
or specify this command more than once you will see duplicate lines.
Same as calling Logger::addSink(std::unique_ptr<StdOutSink>(new StdOutSink()));
Starts logging to stdout
Note: If you are already logging to stdout
or specify this command more than once you will see duplicate lines.
Same as calling Logger::clearSinks();
Removes all current logging sinks.
Note: If this is not immedeately followed by addSinkStdOut
, addSinkStdErr
, or addSink
then addSinkStdErr
will automatically happen.
Same as calling Logger::setInserterSpacing(InserterAsIs);
When log streaming, no extra spacing will be inserted between inserts.
lLog << "test" << 5 << "more";
will result in logging:
Same as calling Logger::setInserterSpacing(InserterPad);
When log streaming, an extra space will be inserted between inserts.
lLog << "test" << 5 << "more";
will result in logging:
test 5 more
Same as calling Logger::resetLevels(_fromString({level}));
Clears all file pattern files and sets all logging to {level}.
Same as calling Logger::setFormat(std::unique_ptr<DefaultFormatter>(new DefaultFormatter()));
Reset the log formatter back to the default, using local time.
Same as calling Logger::setFormat(std::unique_ptr<DefaultFormatter>(new DefaultFormatter(DefaultFormatter::GMT)));
Reset the log formatter back to the default, using GMT time.
Same as calling Logger::setLevel({level}, {pattern});
The first entry will set the default global {level}. The second entry will set the {level} for the given file pattern.
You can specify a file matching pattern to change the logging level per file or group of files.
The pattern consists of case-sensitive substrings to look for in the file, separated by semicolon (;
If a pattern begins with a minus (-
) then it will not match that pattern.
The evaluation walks through all the patterns with positive patterns being ORed in and negative patterns removing files.
This is interpreted as: files that contain src/
in them, but do not include src/include
and do not include main.cpp
Basically take your filename and walk through the pattern and add it if at matches a positive and remove it when it matches a negative.
This example shows all files under src/
, but not files in src/include/
, but do include .cpp
files (including those in src/include/