"Jovem Nerd" is a Brazilian weblog created in 2002 by Alexandre Ottoni, formerly called by the exact name of the blog, and Deive Pazos, a.k.a. Azaghâl or Azaghal, as it's more commonly written, a reference to the character created by J. R. R. Tolkien.
As part of the content produced by the weblog, they released back on April 2, 2006, the first episode of their podcast (NerdCast), which is still published weekly on Fridays and contains over 1000 episodes and a billion downloads.
As a result of this long-term journey, they creatively addressed several topics, which created a polluted and hard-to-manage feed. To solve this problem, this class intends to split the official NerdCast feed into new ones separated by topics based on podcast episodes name patterns.