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Starter template to start an Algorand smart-contract project using PyTeal

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Algorand PyTeal Starter Template

A basic starter template to learn PyTeal development for Algorand blockchain smart-contracts.


Install Dependencies

  1. Install Git
  2. Install Docker Desktop
  3. Install Algorand sandbox
  4. Copy this project without cloning:
    git clone -b main --depth 1 --single-branch [email protected]:manustays/algorand-pyteal-smart-contract-starter-template.git && rm -rf algorand-pyteal-smart-contract-starter-template/.git/

Setup the Sandbox for Local Testing

  1. Start Docker Desktop and goto the Sandbox folder
  2. Add your project folder as bind volume in the Sandbox Docker image:
    • In the Sandbox root folder, edit the file docker-compose.yml and add the following lines under the key services.algod:
        - type: bind
          source: <path to this project folder>
          target: /data
  3. Start the Sandbox docker container with the command: ./sandbox up -v
  4. Other useful Sandbox commands (after starting it):
    1. Shut down the Sandbox: ./sandbox down
    2. Get a list of test wallets/accounts: ./sandbox goal account list
    3. Check the balance of an account (app account or wallet): ./sandbox goal balance --address <account-address>
    4. Reset Sandbox (including the test accounts): ./sandbox reset

Setup your Project

  1. Goto project folder & setup Python virtual env for the project (one time only): python3 -m venv venv
  2. Activate the Python virtual environment (everytime you start this project):
    $ ./venv/Scripts/activate # Windows
    $ ./venv/bin/activate # Linux/Mac
  3. Check if virtual env is setup properly: pip -V
    • It should show the path to Python executable under your project's venv folder.
  4. Install the python dependencies (one time only): pip3 install -r requirements.txt

Compile & Run

  1. Within the project folder:
    1. Activate the Python virtual environment (if not already done): . venv/bin/activate
    2. Build source files: ./ contracts.<subfolder>.<filename-without-py-ext>
  2. Within the Sandbox folder:
    1. Enter the docker container terminal: ./sandbox enter algod

    2. Check if project’s bound volume is working: ls /data

    3. Get test wallet accounts: goal account list Example

      • Copy account address in a variable for easy access: WALLET1=F74DX......
    4. Deploy contract within sandbox:

      goal app create --creator $WALLET1 --approval-prog /data/build/approval.teal --clear-prog /data/build/clear.teal --global-byteslices 1 --global-ints 3 --local-byteslices 0 --local-ints 0
      1. It returns a numeric app ID if successfully deployed (eg: 1)
      2. Store in a variable for easy access: APPID=1
    5. Get deployed app info: goal app info --app-id $APPID

      1. It returns application account, creator, approval hash, clear hash, etc. Example
    6. Read smart contract storage: goal app read --global --app-id $APPID --guess-format

      1. Returns a formatted JSON with all current global values Example
    7. Maintain minimum balance (0.1 algo or 100,000 microalgo) in the smart contract account:

      goal clerk send -f $WALLET1 -t $APP_ACCOUNT -a 100000
      1. Algorand PyTeal Course | Transaction Fee Pooling and Minimum Balances - YouTube
    8. Call a Smart Contract Operation:

      goal app call --app-id $APPID --from $WALLET1 --app-arg "str:inc"
      1. Here, “inc” is the operation name as defined in the smart contract
      2. Check updated values (counter incremented to one): Example

Debug Smart Contract

Sandbox comes with the tealdbg tool for debugging. It requires a transaction dump file as input that we can generate while executing the smart-contract.

  1. Generate the transaction dump file:
    goal app call --app-id $APPID --from $WALLET1 --app-arg "str:dec" **--dryrun-dump -o tx.dr**
  2. Start debugger session:
    tealdbg debug -d tx.dr --listen
    1. The debug port (9392) can also be found from the docker-compose.yml file under the key: CDT_PORT.
  3. Open the Chrome browser and goto chrome://inspect/#devices
    1. Click on “Configure” beside the “Discover network targets” option.
    2. Add localhost:9392 Example
    3. Under “Remote Target”, look for the Algorand TEAL program and click on “inspect”.




Starter template to start an Algorand smart-contract project using PyTeal




