Release version 3.4.0
We are proud to introduce a wide variety of improvements in this release including: a collection of improvements to multi dimensional and "normal" plotting, new experimental planning interfaces. We have also bundled Paraview into the installers for Mantid from this release, so there is no need to install Paraview separately, and also the multi dimensional visualization is now available to everyone. The improved "matplotlib-like" python graphing api is now officially released after graduating from the "mantidplot future" namespace, this lives nicely in harmony with the previous commands so existing scripts shopuld continue to work. Finally we have made quite a variety of performance improvements, notably to NXSPE file saving and handling of files containing large numbers of periods.
These are just a few headline points for the changes in this release, so please take a look at the release notes which are filled with important changes and improvements in many areas. The development team has put a great effort into making all of these improvements within Mantid, and we would like to thank all of our beta testers for their time and effort helping us to make this another reliable version of Mantid.
Full release notes are at the mantid project main page.
Downloads for additional platforms are at the mantid download page.