Runner file: Supporting files:,, primes_to_200000.txt, NYSE_companies.csv, nasdaq_companies.csv
DOCUMENTATION: Runner program, imports all necessary items and starts the program
class Hash: def init(self, size=7949): Initializes proper variables, creates list of length size and assigns None to each. slot. Calls the function get_primes(filename)
def get_primes(self, filename):
Reads in from a txt file and appends all numbers in said text file to the primes_list variable.
def get_load_factor(self):
Returns the load factor of the hash table.
def my_hash(self, key, num):
Returns the hash value to be used in the hash table.
def find_capacity(self):
Sets the capacity variable to the correct value.
def rehash(self):
Utilizes quadratic probing to rehash the entire hash_table variable. Increases the capacity to the next known suitable prime number.
def insert(self, ticker, ame=None, prev_close=None, open_p=None, close=None):
Inserts a ticker fed from the runner program into the hash_table variable. Uses my_hash and rehash.
def remove(self, ticker):
Removes said ticker from the hash_table variable.
def get(self, ticker):
Returns the pointer to the node container the ticker.
def print_tcker(self):
Prints every ticker in the hash_table variable.
def get_avg_volume(self, ticker, days=0):
Returns the average volume for the ticker that is sent in.
def init_run(self, ticker):
Called by the runner program, will test to see if the day's volume is above 20% above the average volume. If it is, it will add 1 to the days_above_twenty variable as found in the file.