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E-commerce Application (in progress)


The E-commerce Application is a full-stack web application that enables users to browse products, add them to their cart, and manage their shopping cart. The application consists of a React-based frontend and a Node.js backend, with a PostgreSQL database for data storage. It demonstrates modern development practices using TypeScript, Material-UI, Sequelize ORM, and REST APIs.

Technologies Used


  • React with TypeScript
  • Material-UI
  • Axios for API calls


  • Node.js with Express
  • Sequelize ORM
  • PostgreSQL
  • dotenv for configuration management

Project Structure

  ├── logged
  ├── eslint.config.j
  ├── .gitignore
  ├── eslint.config.js
  ├── index.html
  ├── package.json
  ├── public/
  ├── src/
  │   ├── api/
  │   ├── components/
  │   ├── contexts/
  │   ├── index.css
  │   ├── main.tsx
  │   ├── types/
  │   ├── utils/
  │   └── vite-env.d.ts
  ├── tsconfig.json
  ├── tsconfig.node.json
  └── vite.config.ts
  ├── .env
  ├── .gitignore
  ├── app.js
  ├── config/
  │   └── config.json
  ├── controllers/
  ├── models/
  ├── package.json
  ├── routes/
  └── utils/



  • Node.js (v23.1.0)
  • PostgreSQL (version 13 or later)
  • npm or yarn


  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone
    cd shopping-cart-app
  2. Install dependencies:

     # You have to install dependencies for both client and server
     # Client
       cd client
       npm install
     # Server
       cd server
       npm install
  3. Configure the database:

    • The database is hosted online, so once you run the backend server, the basic functionalities, such as creating products, users, and empty carts, will be pre-populated automatically, allowing you to quickly set up the basic functionality to manage cart items.
    • You can find the credentials in the file: env-credentials.txt
  4. Run database migrations and seed data:

    cd server
    npm start
  5. Start the application:

    # Start the backend
    cd server
    npm start
    # Start the frontend
    cd client
    npm run dev
  6. Access the application:

  • You should have a .env file to create your credentials for the server
  • Frontend: http://localhost:5143 (provided by Vite)
  • Backend API: http://localhost:3002 (.env file)
  1. Additional Notes:
  • You have 3 products created, 2 users and each user will have an empty cart. (pre-populated)
  • You have to login to get carts info, add and remove items.
  • Users credentials:
      - User 1 - VIP
        email: [email protected]
        password: 12345
      - User 2 - Common
        email: [email protected]
        password: 12345
  • Every transaction in the cart is saved on the database, so you will not lose your information when refresh page.
  1. Preview:
  • Logged Out User: Preview Image

  • Logged In User: Preview Image

Project Structure

Root Directory

  • /client: Contains the frontend code.
  • /server: Contains the backend code.

Client Directory

  • /src: Application source code.
    • /components: Reusable React components.
    • /api: API calls.
    • /contexts: Context of the application.
    • /utils: Utility functions.

Server Directory

  • /config: Configuration files for the database.
  • /controllers: Request handling logic.
  • /models: Sequelize models.
  • /routes: API routes.
  • /utils: Utility functions.

API Endpoints

User Routes

  • GET /api/users: Fetch all users.
  • POST /api/users/login: Authenticate user.

Product Routes

  • GET /api/products: Fetch all products.

Cart Routes

  • GET /api/carts/:userId: Get cart by user.
  • GET /api/carts/:cartId: Get cart items by cart.