A Nuxt.js project showcasing the power of Nuxt 3 and its features.
- Server-side rendering (SSR)
- Modular components and reusable patterns
- NuxtLink for efficient routing
# Unzipe the project
# Go into the repository
cd universities-app
# Install dependencies
docker-compose up
# Run app on browser
- When you open this page, it shows you info about universities in Canada by default.
- You can change what you see by typing in the search box or picking a different country.
- Click on "Clear Filters" to go back to seeing universities from Canada.
- The table lists universities with their names, websites, and a button to save them.
- Check the console for details about the API, like response code and time taken.
- Here, you find universities you marked as favorites from Search Page.
- If you change your mind, you can also remove universities from your favorites list on the table here.
- Nuxt 3
- Tailwind CSS
- Flowbite
- Docker