As of 2024-Feb-08, this version of the LipSync is now obsolete and has been replaced by the LipSync 4. The LipSync 4 has 3 integrated switch ports for users who are unable to use sip and puff. Design files and documentation are maintained here for information only.
The LipSync Switch Input Module enables a user to use a LipSync Classic with two assistive switches instead of the standard Sip and Puff mouthpiece. This can be a helpful adaptation for anyone who has difficulty forming their lips around the mouthpiece or generating the typical sips and puffs.
The Bill of Materials lists all of the parts and components required to build the Switch Input Module. The electronic components may be available locally, but will probably need to be ordered online. Make sure you order the correct splitter.
Print the 3D Printed Circuit Board. The file is in the /Build_Files/3D_Printing_Files folder.
Reference the assembly guide for the tools and steps required to complete each portion.
Attach two momentary assistive switches.
Document | Version | Link |
Design Rationale | 1.0 | Design_Rationale |
Bill of Materials | 1.0 | BOM |
Assembly Guide | 1.0 | Assembly Guide |
Quality Check Guide | 1.0 | Assembly Guide |
User Quick Guide | 1.0 | Quick_Guide |
Copyright (c) 2022-2024 Neil Squire / Makers Making Change.
This repository describes Open Hardware:
- Everything needed or used to design, make, test, or prepare the LipSync Switch Input Module is licensed under the CERN 2.0 Weakly Reciprocal license (CERN-OHL-W v2) or later .
- Accompanying material such as instruction manuals, videos, and other copyrightable works that are useful but not necessary to design, make, test, or prepare the LipSync are published under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 license (CC BY-SA 4.0) .
You may redistribute and modify this documentation and make products using it under the terms of the CERN-OHL-W v2. This documentation is distributed WITHOUT ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTY, INCLUDING OF MERCHANTABILITY, SATISFACTORY QUALITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Please see the CERN-OHL-W v2 for applicable conditions.
Source Location:
The LipSync Switch Input Module was designed by Neil Squire Society / Makers Making Change. The initial development of a 3D printable LipSync was supported by the Google Impact Challenge: Disabilities grant from Further development was supported through the Government of Canada's Innovation Science and Economic Development Assistive Technology Program. These and other funders have also enabled Neil Squire / Makers Making Change to deploy numerous LipSyncs to users at reduced cost.
- Derrick Andrews, Neil Squire Society / Makers Making Change.
Makers Making Change is a program of Neil Squire, a Canadian non-profit that uses technology, knowledge, and passion to empower people with disabilities.
Makers Making Change leverages the capacity of community based Makers, Disability Professionals and Volunteers to develop and deliver affordable Open Source Assistive Technologies.
- Website:
- GitHub: makersmakingchange
- Twitter: @makermakechange
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- LinkedIn: Neil Squire Society
- Thingiverse: makersmakingchange
- Printables: MakersMakingChange
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