This plugin is used to have redis output from fluent-bit. You can use fluent-bit redis instead of logstash in a configuration where you have a redis and optional stunnel in front of your elasticsearch infrastructure.
The configuration typically looks like:
fluent-bit --> stunnel --> redis <-- logstash --> elasticsearch
If you have multiple elastic search servers, each covered with a redis cache in front it might look like this:
/-> stunnel --> redis <-- logstash --> elasticsearch
fluent-bit --> stunnel --> redis <-- logstash --> elasticsearch
\-> stunnel --> redis <-- logstash --> elasticsearch
docker run -it --rm -v /path/to/fluent-bit.conf:/fluent-bit/etc/fluent-bit.conf majst01/fluent-bit-go-redis-output
docker build --no-cache --tag fluent-bit-go-redis-output .
docker run -it --rm -v /path/to/fluent-bit.conf:/fluent-bit/etc/fluent-bit.conf fluent-bit-go-redis-output
Key | Description | Default |
Hosts | Host(s) of redis servers, whitespace separated ip/host:port | |
Password | Optional redis password for all redis instances | "" |
DB | redis database (integer) | 0 |
UseTLS | connect to redis with tls | False |
TlsSkipVerify | if tls is configured skip tls certificate validation for self signed certificates | True |
Key | the key where to store the entries in redis | "logstash" |
add this section to fluent-bit.conf
Name redis
Match *
UseTLS true
TLSSkipVerify true
# if port is ommited, 6379 is used
Password homer
DB 0
Key elastic-logstash
- crash on connection errors
Given a list of 4 Redis databases, we pick on start a random one, if during operation this fails we panic and on restart the next hopefully working is selected.
- rely on FLB_RETRY
With a list of redis databases we can create a list of pools, one pool per database and instead of doing a pool.Get(), call list.Get() with selects the next random redis database. If a failure occurs return FLB_RETRY and the library will retry.