This README would normally document whatever steps are necessary to get the application up and running.
CSCE 606 Software Engineering Project. (Team Zeus)
We have developed a University Writing Center Tracker for the Texas A&M University Writing Center. The web application enables the undergraduate and graduate students of Texas A&M University to monitor the progress of their writing projects. Users can Sign up using his/her email address after verifying his/her email address. The dashboard displays the current projects and their corresponding progress. User can add a new project by filling out the details like Title, Target value and customize the metric. The user can later update the progress of the project and the application calculates the percentage completion and time remaining to complete the project. The user can also time his/ her work using the stop watch available for each project. The application automatically logs the time the user has worked on that project. Students can analyze the daily writing patterns on each project graphically and plan accordingly. Users can also edit the metrics and target of an existing project besides opting in/ out of email communication. Weekly progress reports and deadline reminders will be sent through email. Quotes are displayed to provide motivation to the students. Users will be able to delete the completed tasks. Reset password option is available if a user forgets the password. The application also enables admins to understand the daily user traffic graphically. An admin can manage other admins through the admin portal.
The app is deployed on : Heroku link :