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This repository is deprecated in favour of ghost-cache-invalidation-proxy as a more versatile implementation. From Magic Pages side, the latter will be developed further.

Ghost BunnyCDN Perma-Cache Purger


This project acts as a proxy between a Ghost CMS instance and BunnyCDN. It efficiently forwards client requests to Ghost CMS and handles the responses. While doing so, it monitors responses for the X-Cache-Invalidate header, which signals the need to purge the cache.

In this project specifically, it is used to purge the cache of a specified BunnyCDN pull zone. This functionality ensures that the cache remains synchronized with the latest content updates from Ghost CMS.

Additionally, the tool sets the client's IP address as the X-Forwarded-For header in the request to Ghost. This is necessary since tries to set their edge servers' IP addresses as the client's IP address, which can cause issues with Ghost's rate limiting.

Originally developed as part of the BunnyCDN Perma-Cache integration at Magic Pages, a managed Ghost CMS hosting service, this tool can also help self-hosters using BunnyCDN to keep their cache up-to-date with their Ghost CMS instance.

While designed for use within a Docker Compose environment, other usage configurations are technically possible but not tested.

Setting up BunnyCDN

If you don't have BunnyCDN set up yet, you can follow the tutorial on the Magic Pages blog to get started.


The magicpages/bunnycdn-perma-cache-purger Docker image is available on Docker Hub. It can be used to deploy the proxy as part of a Docker Compose stack alongside Ghost.

Environment Variables

Required variables

  • GHOST_URL: The URL of your Ghost CMS instance. Ideally, the hostname of your Ghost container and the port it listens on (e.g., http://ghost:2368).
  • BUNNYCDN_API_KEY: Your BunnyCDN API key.
  • BUNNYCDN_PULL_ZONE_ID: The ID of the BunnyCDN pull zone that you wish to purge.

Optional variables

  • PORT: The port on which the proxy listens for incoming requests. Defaults to 3000.
  • DEBUG: Set to true to enable debug logging. Defaults to false.
  • BUNNYCDN_PURGE_OLD_CACHE: Set to trueto enable deleting old cache files from the storage zone.
  • BUNNYCDN_STORAGE_ZONE_NAME: Required if BUNNYCDN_PURGE_OLD_CACHE is set to true. The name of the BunnyCDN storage zone connected to the pull zone.
  • BUNNYCDN_STORAGE_ZONE_PASSWORD: Required if BUNNYCDN_PURGE_OLD_CACHE is set to true. The password of the BunnyCDN storage zone connected to the pull zone. This differs from the API key. See Bunny's Edge Storage API documentation for more information.

These variables must be set in the Docker Compose file or as part of your Docker container configuration.

Example Docker Compose Configuration

Here's a minimal example of how to deploy Ghost with the BunnyCDN Perma-Cache Purger:

version: '3.8'

    image: ghost:5
      url: http://localhost:4000
      database__client: sqlite3
      database__connection__filename: /var/lib/ghost/content/data/ghost.db
      - ghost_data:/var/lib/ghost/content

    image: magicpages/bunnycdn-perma-cache-purger:latest
      - GHOST_URL=http://ghost:2368
      - PORT=4000
      - DEBUG=true
      - BUNNYCDN_API_KEY=your_bunnycdn_api_key
      - BUNNYCDN_PULL_ZONE_ID=your_pull_zone_id
      - BUNNYCDN_STORAGE_ZONE_NAME=your_storage_zone_name
      - BUNNYCDN_STORAGE_ZONE_PASSWORD=your_storage_zone_password
      - "4000:4000"
      - ghost


In this example, the Ghost CMS instance is accessible at http://localhost:4000. The proxy listens on port 4000 and forwards requests to Ghost's internal port 2368.

How It Works

In a nutshell, this proxy forwards all incoming requests to the Ghost instance that's specified in the GHOST_URL environment variable. All responses from Ghost are forwarded back to the client, while the proxy monitors the responses for the X-Cache-Invalidate header.

If the header is present, the proxy sends a purge request to the BunnyCDN API to clear the cache of the specified pull zone. If BUNNYCDN_PURGE_OLD_CACHE is set to true, it also deletes old directories from the specified storage zone to manage storage costs effectively.

Under the Hood

The proxy is built using Node.js and Express, with TypeScript for type safety. It includes:

  • Automatic retries for failed API calls
  • Connection pooling for better performance
  • Parallel processing of cache purge operations
  • Health check endpoint at /health
  • Detailed performance logging when DEBUG=true

And yes, that is the exact code that's running in production at Magic Pages 😉


This project is licensed under the MIT License, so feel free to do whatever you want with it. If you find it useful, I'd love to hear about it!


If you have any ideas for improvements or new features, feel free to open an issue or submit a pull request. Always happy to make things even better and more useful!