The original version of this app, GirlsIn.IT, was created years ago using Angular, serving as a news aggregator focused on women in tech and current events. Although it hasn’t been updated in a while, I’ve always been passionate about its mission: spotlighting women’s achievements.
Now, I’m giving it a fresh, modern spin by rewriting it with React and Next.js. This time around, I’m focusing on women in sports, using the News API to gather the latest news on women's accomplishments across sports. The goal? To ensure we’re all better informed and inspired by the powerful stories of women athletes, who deserve more media coverage and recognition than they often receive.
This project was bootstrapped with Next.js, using create-next-app
To run the development server:
yarn dev
Then open http://localhost:3667 in your browser to view the app.
This project also uses next/font to optimize and load Geist, Vercel's new font family.