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La Trahison des Images

A silly revisiting of the "La Trahison des Images" of René Magrite.

La Trahison des Images

The matrix represents an outline of a pipe in SVG language.

SVG Path

    d="M 90,200 C 58,198 27,177 18,146 7,109 7,70 12,32 10,11 33,9 49,8 c 24,-1 50,-3 74,5 11,11 9,30 11,44 2,20 -1,39 0,59 12,10 31,-3 43,-10 45,-30 85,-69 139,-83 30,-9 62,-9 93,-9 17,-12 37,19 14,23 -34,-6 -69,6 -99,21 -40,25 -65,67 -102,97 -32,28 -73,46 -116,45 -6,0 -11,0 -17,-1 z"
    style="fill:#000000" />


Pipe Outline

Daniele Olmisani