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My Cafe Memories

This is a social network site for users to share memories of their cafes.

The goal for the user is to share their cafe memories with other like-minded people, who would like to explore and find an ideal cafe for themselves. They can choose either private or public for each memory, so they don't have to be worried about showing all the images they want to store for themselves.

In the future, this will give me an opportunity to ask cafe owners to provide their information by themselves, and also coupon code available for their customers. And also the cafe owner will be able to give them a 'Thank you' coupon code for positive reviewers.

  • An unregistered user can browse this website to see everyone's cafe memories.
  • If they become an user, they will be able to add their cafe memories.
  • They can add their memories from "Add memory" page.
  • They can search the cafe names by auto complete.
  • They can add cafe name(auto-complete), description, photo link, rating(1 to 5), Date(datepicker).
  • If they are unable to find the cafe, they can add a cafe from "Add cafe" page.
  • On "Add cafe" page, they can add area name(auto-complete), cafe name, website, postal address, postcode, photo link, and youtube link(optional).
  • They can also browse and edit/ delete cafes from "Manage cafes" page.

Deployed page is available here



If they haven't visited the website (detected by cookie), the homepage displays a modal popup to describe what this website for. This navigates an user to either registration page or login page, or if they decide not to register, just closes the popup.

The steps:

User Story
As a first tune user, I want to quickly understand the purpose of the website, and easily navigate to either 'Register' page or go back to the home page.
As a first tune user, I want to easily create an account.
As a first tune user, After creating my account, I want a user to add my profile image.
As a first tune user, After adding my profile image, I would like to add a cafe memory at ease.
As a returning user, I want to browse everyone's memories at ease.
As a returning user, I want to login.
As a returning user, I want to add a memory with ease.
As a returning user, I want to add a cafe with ease.
As a returning user, I want to edit a memory with ease.
As a returning user, I want to delete a memory with ease.
As a returning user, I want to edit a cafe with ease.
As a returning user, I want to delete a cafe with ease.


Existing Features

  • Feature 1 : Browsing all memories - allows users browsing all the posted memories, by visiting home "Everyone's memories" page
  • Feature 2 : Cafe information - allows users reading cafe information by clicking the image and name of the cafe
  • Feature 3 : Add and edit cafes - allows users adding & editing cafe information, cafe memory by filling in the forms
  • Feature 4 : Add and edit memories - allows users adding & editing their cafe memory by filling 'Add memory' form
  • Feature 5 : Auto-complete - Auto complete - allows users to search for the area & cafe name by inserting text in the input
  • Feature 6 : Add photos using Cloudinary - Photos - they can add their photos by adding a link from a photo cloud (such as
  • Feature 7 : Sorting - Sort - users can sort by date, cafe name, and rating
  • Feature 8 : Pagination - Pagination - users can browse cafe memories and cafe informations using pagination, so they can easily navigate through the list

Features Left to Implement

  • I would like to categorise cafes
  • I would like to add more user information and user role - so cafe owner has more privilage to add their cafe information and also coupon code
  • I would like to add coupon provided by cafe owners. This will potentially we can provide a package for cafe owners to have their subscriptions, give them ability to add campaigns targeting cafe freaks.
  • I would like to add a facility to give users more coupon code, when they contribute to this website by adding more memories. Hopefully we can provide subscriptions packages for them so they can benefit from sharing their memories.

Technologies Used


  • Python
  • Flask - Python framework For pagination, etc
  • Dnspython- DNS toolkit for Python
  • Heroku - Cloud application platform
  • Mongo DB Atlas - non relational, NO-SQL Database - Cloud based MongoDB server


  • Javascript - For auto-complete, navbar, etc
  • Jquery - For auto-complete, navbar, etc
  • Materialize - for clean front-end design, and also icons
  • W3C Modal Box - The project uses W3c's Modal Box to display welcome text.

Image Library

This project is using images from, which is used as alternative to image upload facility.


User stories

First time user

User Story Expected Outcome Actual Outcome
I want to quickly understand the purpose of the website, and easily navigate to either 'Register' page or go back to the home page. I expect the popup explains well and buttons to be prominent. I could understand the information, and quickly navigate to register page, or choose to go back to the front page.
I want to easily create an account. I expect I can create my account easily, and quickly navigated to 'profile' page I could easily add an account, and it promptly redirected to 'Profile' page.
After creating my account, I want a user to add my profile image. I expect I can see the profile page straight after creating account, and find 'edit' button for image upload. Straight after account creation, I was navigated to the profile page, and found 'edit' button.
After adding my profile image, I would like to add a cafe memory at ease. I expect to see an intuitive button to 'Add your first cafe memory' button After adding an image, it redirected to 'Your cafe memories' page, and I could find 'Add your first memory' button easily.

Returning user

User Story Expected Outcome Actual Outcome
I want to browse everyone's memories at ease, find my favourite cafe, and enjoy looking at images. I expect 'Sorting' section and 'Paging' section works well Both sections are working well.
I want to browse everyone's memories at ease, find my favourite cafe, and enjoy looking at images. I expect 'Sorting' section and 'Paging' section works well Both sections are working well.
I want to login with no issues, and find 'Add memory' form swiftly. I expect I can easily find 'Login' button. After login, the page direct to 'Your memories' page, and intuitively can choose 'Add your first memory' button. I could find 'Login' button. After loggin in, it's directed to 'Your cafe memories' page.
I want to add a memory with ease on 'Add memory' page.                                                                                                                                                                                                                      I expect 'add memory' form is easy to follow. On 'Cafe name', by entering 1 or more letters, it suggests cafes to choose from. The 'photo' section should explain how to add an image. The 'date' section it should open a date picker by clickin on the input field. The auto-suggest is working and displayed suggestions, there was a link to Cloudinary so I can login and copy a link to my cafe image. The datepicker was easy to pick the date.
I want to add a cafe with ease on 'Add cafe' page. I expect 'add cafe' form is easy to follow. Auto-suggest on 'Area name', the photo section has a link to Cloudinary. The form works as expected, easy to follow.
I want to edit a memory with ease. I expect 'Your memories' page has 'Edit' button, on 'Edit cafe memory' page, I can edit text or the image easily. The 'edit' button is found easily. The form works as expected, easy to follow.
I want to delete a memory with ease. I expect 'Your memories' page has 'Delete' button, on 'Edit cafe memory' page, I can delete the memory easily. The 'delete' button is found easily. The form works as expected, easy to follow.
I want to edit a cafe with ease. I expect 'Manage cafes' page has 'Edit' button, on 'Edit cafe memory' page, I can edit text or the image easily. The 'edit' button is found easily. The form works as expected, easy to follow.
I want to delete a cafe with ease. I expect 'Manage cafes' page has 'Delete' button, on 'Edit cafe memory' page, I can delete the cafe easily. The 'delete' button is found easily. The form works as expected, easy to follow.

I have asked on Code Institute's peer review community to test this website and received feedbacks:

Issues mentioned by code reviews

Issue How I fixed it
Responsive menu was too tall and hiding the content on tablet size I reduced the height of the menu by adding media query on CSS.
The modal popup - the content was overflowing I added a CSS code to fix the issue.

Test Results

Issue How I fixed it
On small devices, the overlay was hiding the mobile nav This was Materialize's overlay. I corrected z-index and it's fixed.
Auto Complete was not working on area search. Fixed the order of the javascript file.
The content of the memory card was overflowing depends on the description I have added media query to reduce the size on mobile phones, also reduced the size of the description.
On the mobile phone menu there was no lines between links, and no effects on hover I have added hover effect on CSS.
On registration process it wasn't displaying requirement for the username. Added the requirement on the 'Registration' page.
The 'Go back' button was on the front page. I have added CSS code to remove it on the front page.
On tablet size, the memory image was not 100% width. I have added minimum width for these images to make sure it always covers the area.
On tablet size, the the header displayed 2 lines and took too much space. I have added a CSS code to add martgin top.
When user photo was not presented, it was causing an error on memory submittion. I have dded default photo when an user registers, so there will be an photo displayed by default.

Also, this was run through these validators.

Validation errors

Issue How I fixed it
'background-color:none' was not validated. used 'background-color:transparent' instead
'border-color:none' was not validated used border:none instead
Empty 'head' tag found There was duplicated html tags on base.html and other templates. Removed them from other template files.
Empty 'section' tag found There was duplicated html tags on base.html and other templates. Removed them from other template files.
Duplicated 'body' tag found There was duplicated html tags on base.html and other templates. Removed them from other template files.
The element button must not appear as a descendant of the a element. A 'button' tag was directly inside 'a' tag. I removed 'button' tag.
There was an empty 'section' tag The section tag was including if statement. I moved the tag inside if statement.
The type attribute is unnecessary for JavaScript resources. I removed 'type' tags from Fontawesome's javascript tag.

Issues could not be resoved because the css file was third-party's CDN.

Tag Issue The third party
.table-of-contents a letter-spacing only 0 can be a unit. You must put a unit after your number Materialize
.picker__day--today letter-spacing only 0 can be a unit. You must put a unit after your number Materialize
abbr[data-original-title], abbr[title] Property text-decoration-skip-ink doesn't exist Bootstrap
.accordion Property overflow-anchor doesn't exist Bootstrap

After fixing validation issues, these validators had no errors on HTML validator.

On CSS Validator, it only shows errors coming from recommended third-party by Code Institute, and as I am using CDN I am unable to fix these issues. There is an warning on style.css, by researching on this issue I've found most of the developers leave this as this is not fixable at the moment. (Reference:

All the other warnings are from recommended third-party by Code Institute, and as I am using CDN I am unable to fix these issues.


To test Python code, I used flake 8, using these codes:

pip3 install flake8


Typical Validation Errors

Issue How I fixed it
Local variable 'term' is assigned to but never used Checked this variable is not used and removed the line
Comparison to True should be 'if cond is not True:' or 'if not cond I used 'not' instead of '!= True'

Also I tested on PEP8 checker. (


To test javascript code, I used JsHint, an online validator.

Issue How I fixed it
Duplicate key 'selectMonths' Removed one of the keys on datepicker function

This code below on addmemory.html received some errors, Expected '}' to match '{' from line 2 and instead saw '{'.such as '' However this is coming from Jinja code within Javascript code and we don't have things we can do to it.

  $(document).ready(function() {
    let cafenames = JSON.parse({{ cafenames|tojson|safe }}); 
     autoCompleteCafe (cafenames);

There were four unused variables:

  • setCookie
  • checkCookie
  • autoCompleteCafe
  • autoCompleteArea

However, these variables are used in the template, such as addmemory.html


This project was developed on Github, using Gitpod as IDE. It has only master branch. This is pushed and deployed on to heroku.

Deployed project is found here:

This project utilises Mongo DB to use NO-SQL (non-relational) database. Before cloning the project:

  1. Add a database collection 'brightonCafes' on MongoDB Atlas
  2. Create a database and these tables:
    • cafes
    • areas
    • users
    • memories

To run this project on your local repository

This project will be deployed following these steps:

  1. Add your own repository on your Github account
  2. Click the green 'Gitpod' button on top-right corner of this repo(If you can't find the button, install 'Gitpod' extension on your Chrome browser
  3. Gitpod launches
  4. Run the following command (Replace the 'USERNAME' and 'REPO' to your username and repo name):
    git remote set-url origin
  6. Add file on your root folder, add these lines:
    import os
    os.environ['SECRET_KEY'] = '- YOUR SECRET KEY - '
    os.environ['MONGO_URI'] = '- YOUR MONGO URI -' 
  7. Run this command below to install all the modules on requirements.txt file:
    pip3 install -r requirements.txt
  8. Run the code by running this code below:

Remote Deployment (Run the project on

If you want to add it to your Heroku account, follow the instructions below:

  1. Add an app for this project
  2. Add environment variables 'SECRET_KEY' and 'MONGO_URI' on your app
  3. Add PORT on your app
  4. On your Gitpod workspace, login to heroku by running this code below:
    heroku login -i
  5. Select your app by running this code below (Replace '- YOUR APP NAME -' with your own app name):
    git init
    heroku git:remote -a  - YOUR APP NAME -
  6. Run this code below to push the code to your Heroku app:
    git push heroku master
  7. When the app is deployed, click on 'Open App' button to run your app

Data Integration

I used MongoDB for this project as this is requirement for this project. This is a non-relational, documentation database. It gives me more flexibility and ability to manipulate or change structure of the data when I update this website in the future. Only user_id, cafe_id, and memory_id need to be related, and it doesn't require complicated relations.

In my database, I made 4 collections, which are areas, cafes, memories and users.


Title Key in MongoDB Form Validation Type Data Type
Id _id - ObjectId
User Name username text String
Password password text String
Photo photo text String


This collection is for storing area data related to cafes.

Title Key in MongoDB Form Validation Type Data Type
Id _id - ObjectId
Name name text String


This collection is for storing details of cafes.

Title Key in MongoDB Form Validation Type Data Type
Id _id - ObjectId
Cafe Name cafe_name text String
Website website text String
Address address text String
Postcode postcode text String
Area Name area_name text String
Photo photo text String
Youtube Link youtube text String


This collection is for storing cafe memories.

Title Key in MongoDB Form Validation Type Data Type
Id _id - ObjectId
Cafe Name cafe_name text String
Description description text String
Photo photo text String
Date date text Date
User user text String
User id user_id text ObjectId
Ratings ratings text String
Action action text String
Cafe id cafe_id text ObjectId

I started this project relating collections with names of cafes and users, however I found we can use ObjectIds rather than names. I thought it was a good idea to use unique Ids, to avoid duplicated data with difference cases and variations of cafe names. I still left off cafe_name in the memories collection, but in the future, I would like to remove the column and use cafe_id to relate to cafe collection.

Defensive Features

  1. A new user can not register with a username already taken by existing user. So it checks existing usernames, if there is, it displays a flash message to suggest a different username.
  2. We want a new user to understand that this is a social network service specialising in cafes. I added a popup to explain it and added buttons to choose wheather they register, or not to register.
  3. We didn't want duplicate entries for a single cafe with multiple names, so I added a javascript code to auto-suggest cafe names.
  4. We didn't want duplicate entries for an area, so I added a javascript code to auto-suggest area names.
  5. We display a photo of the user on "Everyone's cafe memories" page. If a user choose not to upload their photo, it will display a default photo to avoid empty tag to be displayed.
  6. We didn't want a user to type a random name on auto-complete input, so I added a function to check if the data is in the list, on blur



  • Memory photos are taken by Machiko Lacey-Kimura, and uploaded to
  • This project is using icons from Materialize.



  • I received inspiration for this project from several peer student's projects to improve 'Testing' section.


No description, website, or topics provided.






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