- iiwa_qbhand_description : a URDF for a KUKA LBR IIWA robot with a qbhand attached and a rigid base.
- iiwa_qbhand_moveit : a MoveIt! package to work with the robot description just defined.
- iiwa_qbhand_bringup: a package to bringup LBR iiwa and qbhand.
- iiwa_stack: ROS integration for the KUKA LBR IIWA R800/R820 (7/14 Kg).
- qbhand: A package contains the ROS nodes aimed to visualize and control the qbrobotics® qbhand device.
ROS Melodic.
After installing all the dependencies, you can:
- Visualize in RVIZ:
roslaunch iiwa_qbhand_moveit demo.launch
- Real robot control:
roslaunch iiwa_qbhand_moveit moveit_planning_execution.launch sim:=false
The rqt_graph:
This branch master
holds iiwa and ur in two different namespace, if you prefect a unified namespace version, you can try this branch all-in-one-namespace, whose almost all nodes and topics are included in a same namespace, iiwa
by default.
- GAZEBO simulation supported.