This build is an exact copy of the original Jibri Java executable minus the video recording options of the embedded ffmpeg
Jibri provides services for recording or streaming a Jitsi Meet conference.
It works by launching a Chrome instance rendered in a virtual framebuffer and capturing and encoding the output with ffmpeg. It is intended to be run on a separate machine (or a VM), with no other applications using the display or audio devices. Only one recording at a time is supported on a single jibri.
To use this custom build you just need to replace the jibri.jar file inside the "/opt/jitsi/jibri/" folder inside the Docker Jitsi container, you can replace the file using Dockerfile or by mounting a volume inside the docker-compose file (normally: jibri.yml)
- ./jibri/custom-jibri.jar:/opt/jitsi/jibri/jibri.jar
Just clone the repo, make your changes and then from the root folder launch the command "mvn package" (after installing apache maven)
You'll find the .jar file inside "$CLONED-REPO-DIR/target" folder as "jibri-X.x-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar"