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Run the docs app

Ensure you have the right version of node installed (see .nvmrc).


You can use nvm to manage node versions.

Check if you have nvm already, otherwise install it using one of the following methods:

  • brew install nvm

Now install the correct node version:

nvm install

Start the app

To use the correct node version:

nvm use

Update dependencies (this is not always needed, but if the app breaks please run it):

yarn install

To start the documentation app in development mode:

yarn start

To run production build locally (required for testing search):

yarn build && yarn serve


This application is made with Docusaurus:

The main structure of the application is:

  • docs: Contains all the documentation files (generated and manual inserted)
  • src: Contains all React components, utility methods, index page and global css file.
  • scripts: Contains scripts needed by the application. Example: parse OpenAPI schema.
  • static: Contains any static file that is to be exported as is to the website. Images, fonts etc.


Main configuration for the application can be found on docusaurus.config.js. For configuration of things like categories, there is _category_.json file created in these folders.

OpenAPI schema parsing

Currently, parsing is done via a script, scripts/update-from-remote-schema.ts. The script work can be described as:

  • Clear previous generated doc files. Everything inside AllResources and CoreResources is removed except the manually inserted category information file (_category_.json).
  • Read OpenAPI schema and convert it to JSON.
  • For each tag in the schema, create the necessary folder and category file while preserving the ordering. The linked x-components are inserted. This is on CoreResources
  • For each endpoint in the schema, create the endpoint doc file in the appropriate tag folder. In cases where the tag of the endpoint was not present in the previous tags, it is created.
  • For each component, create the doc file in AllResources.
  • Export the full JSON APISchema as ReactContext to src/components/APISchemaContext.tsx. This is used for derefencing later. We might want to start preprocessing the derefencing, but it's not critical so future work.

Each doc file is mostly a simple markdown file that calls either the Resource or Endpoint React components that we have. In it, a full JSON is passed with all the necessary information.

Parameter/Properties parsing

For both Resources and Endpoints, it is necessary to parse the OpenAPI schema to the format the MUI components expect. For that, we use src/components/JsonPropertyParser and src/components/ParameterParser. The main behaviour is to mostly check for types and act accordingly. This is a recursive parsing approach where dereferencing is always done. The final result is an object that contains the original information while making sure that the MUI components interface is present. This usually means the presence of type, name and json/jsons.

The src/components/Endpoint and src/components/Resource components don't do any parsing per se, but they direct the parsers to the necessary fields and show results accordingly.


There are two utility methods present. src/components/ResourceExample and src/components/Curl. The first one creates an example of any schema component based on the parsed object. The second creates a curl string example given endpoint information, parameters and requestBody. Both of these are used to present snippets.

Gated content

Some content is gated to users who have a Lune Dashboard account.

Gated content is symmetrically encrypted and encapsulated into the <Gated /> or <GatedMarkdown /> components.

In development, to view gated content set the docs_publishable_key cookie as follows:

document.cookie = `docs_publishable_key=${encodeURIComponent('SECRET')}`

Replace SECRET with the publishable key, then refresh the page.

To encrypt or decrypt content use the following two commands: yarn encrypt-content and yarn decrypt-content.

They require the publishable key as DOCS_PUBLISHABLE_KEY environment variable.

Both take content from stdin and return the result on stdout.

To add or edit gated content:

  1. I put the clear text content in a text file eg content.txt
  2. Run cat content.txt | DOCS_PUBLISHABLE_KEY='SECRET' yarn encrypt-content
  3. Paste the result in a <GatedMarkdown /> component

When making changes do not commit clear text content.