autoJGAAP streamlines the JGAAP experimentation process by automating configuration file creation, experiment execution, and results analysis.
As the scale of a research project grows, the convenience of JGAAP command line experimentation becomes a necessity. However, configuration files for massive experiments are time-consuming to write, and thousands of experiment results are difficult to interpret. automates these elements of the research pipeline, both to increase time efficiency and lower the learning curve for less experienced researchers.
Place the JGAAP .jar file in the autoJGAAP directory.
Navigate to this directory on your command line and enter the following command:
NOTE: Enter 'python' instead of 'python3' if using Windows.
Experiment results and other output will be stored in the Output directory.
- The Documents directory contains all plaintext documents to experiment on, stored in the Known and Unknown subdirectories.
- Documents in the Known directory are used to train JGAAP to learn the style of each author.
- Documents in the Unknown directory are used to test JGAAP's training; JGAAP attempts to determine the author of each document in Unknown by applying its understanding of each author's style gained by training on the Known documents.
- Within Known and Unknown, store each document in a directory named after its author or category, such as "Hemingway" or "EastCoastResidents". Any number of authors can be provided.
- Example directory tree
- NOTE: ensure no document or directory names contain commas.
- Specify experiment settings in settings.csv. Any number of experiment settings can be provided.
- JGAAP will be configured to run an experiment with every combination of the provided settings: one setting from each column.
- Place each desired experiment setting in its corresponding column, beginning at the second row.
- If a setting references a variable, such as character n-grams, specify this variable's value like so:
- Character Ngrams|N:4
for N=4 - K Skip N Word Gram|K:2|N:3
for K=2, N=3
- Character Ngrams|N:4
- If a setting references a variable, such as character n-grams, specify this variable's value like so:
- Names and brief explanations experiment settings can be found in JGAAP's GUI.
- Wrapper for the following scripts.
- Organizes produced files, checks for errors
- Writes corpus configuration file, placed in Configuration.
- This config file provides JGAAP with the author, path, and name of each document to experiment on.
- Writes settings config file, placed in Configuration.
- Each line of this config file is a combination of user-provided settings in settings.csv and provides instructions for one experiment.
- JGAAP writes experiment results to text files in tmp.
- combines all files in tmp and its subdirectories.
- The combined results are written to rawResults.txt.
- Condenses rawResults.txt to the number of currect and total classifications for a given combination of experiment settings for a given author's documents.
- This information is written to refinedResults.csv.
- From refinedResults.csv, determines average success rate, standard deviation of success rates, median success rate, and average success rate across all authors for each individual experiment setting used in settings.csv.
- Performance stats written to singleSettingPerformance.csv.