👋 Hi, I’m @luismr
👀 I’m interested in Java, Python, PHP, TypeScript, JavaScript.
🌱 I’m currently learning BDD automation creating a framework to play any Gherkin feature file in Python.
💞️ I’m looking to collaborate on Java, Architecture, Spring support for new developers.
📫 You can reach me at Twitter and other Social channels can be checked at About.me
"profile": {
"name": "Luis Machado Reis",
"pronoums": [ "he", "him" ],
"skills": [ "touble-shooter", "trouble-creator" ],
"work": {
"company": "Trustly",
"role": "Staff Senior Architect",
"link": "https://www.trustly.com"
"code": [ "Java", "Python", "PHP", "TypeScript", "JavaScript" ]
"frameworks": [
{ "type": "frontend", "name": "Angular", "language": "TypeScript" },
{ "type": "frontend", "name": "React", "language": "JavaScript" },
{ "type": "frontend", "name": "Vue", "language": "JavaScript" },
{ "type": "frontend", "name": "AWS Amplify (all-in-one service aggregator)", "language", "TypeScript" },
{ "type": "backend", "name": "SpringBoot", "language", "Java" },
{ "type": "backend", "name": "Flask", "language", "Python" },
{ "type": "backend", "name": "AWS AppSync (GraphQL)", "language", "TypeScript" },
{ "type": "backend", "name": "AWS API Gateway (REST)", "language", "TypeScript" },
{ "type": "backend", "name": "Spring Data (JPA)", "language", "Java" },
{ "type": "backend", "name": "Spring Data REST (REST based JPA)", "language", "Java" },
{ "type": "backend", "name": "Spring Web (Controllers and REST API endpoints)", "language", "Java" },
{ "type": "backend", "name": "Spring Secutiry", "language", "Java" }
"socials": [
{ "social": "github", "username": "@luismr", "link": "https://www.github.com/luismr" },
{ "social": "twitter", "username": "@luismachadoreis", "link": "https://twitter.com/luismachadoreis" },
{ "social": "instagram", "username": "@luismachadoreis", "link": "https://www.instagram.com/luismachadoreis" },
{ "social": "facebook", "username": "@luismachadoreis", "link": "https://facebook.com/luismachadoreis" },
{ "social": "linkedin", "username": "@luismachadoreis", "link": "https://linkedin.com/in/luismachadoreis" },
{ "social": "about.me", "username": "@luismachadoreis", "link": "https://about.me/luismachadoreis" },