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Identifies subpopulations in high-dimensional single-cell data. Cytophenograph is a computational pipeline that was developed to avoid the disadvantages of manual gating. The pipeline is developed using Python3, the clustering method adopted is a custom version of Phenograph ( where we insert a blocked seed. Besides Phenograph pipeline needs the following package installed: Pandas,Numpy,Sklearn for data parsing and exploring and UMAP,Seaborn,Matplotlib for data visualization. This method is adaptative both in terms of dimensionality and sample size, making it suitable in a range of settings for which single-cell population structure is of interest, including other cancers or healthy tissues, and for use with other emerging single-cell technologies.

1) Installation

Install Miniconda Miniconda is a Python distribution, package manager, and virtual environment solution. We recommend installing Miniconda with Python 3 (miniconda3), as many bioinformatics packages are now transitioning to Python 3. Begin by downloading Miniconda and following the associated installation instructions.

Create your cytophenograph environment and install the dependences

Test if miniconda3 is installed

which conda

Clone our repository

git clone

Installation on LINUX machine

Tested on Debian GNU/Linux server

Strategy 1 : Use YML file to clone environment

conda env create -n Cytophenograph6 -f ./Cytophenograph/environment_cytophenograph6_linux.yml
conda activate Cytophenograph6
pip install -e ./Cytophenograph/FlowSOM_LugliLab
pip install phenograph==1.5.7

Strategy 2 : Execute the following command

conda config --add channels conda-forge
conda config --add channels bioconda
conda config --add channels bpteague
conda create --name Cytophenograph6 python=3.9  r-base hnswlib
conda activate Cytophenograph6
pip install pyVIA
conda install -c bioconda scanorama -y
conda install -c conda-forge datashader -y
conda install -c anaconda openpyxl -y
pip install -e ./Cytophenograph/FlowSOM_LugliLab
pip install phenograph==1.5.7
pip install fcsy
conda install -c bioconda bioconductor-flowai -y
conda install scikit-image -y

Installation on MAC machine

Tested on computer with ios 10.15.7 Strategy 1 : Use YML file to clone environment

conda env create -n Cytophenograph6 -f ./Cytophenograph/environment_cytophenograph6_mac.yml
conda activate Cytophenograph6
pip install -e ./Cytophenograph/FlowSOM_LugliLab
pip install phenograph==1.5.7

Strategy 2 : Execute the following command

conda config --add channels conda-forge
conda config --add channels bioconda
conda config --add channels bpteague
conda create --name Cytophenograph6 python=3.9  r-base hnswlib 
conda activate Cytophenograph6
pip install pyVIA
conda install -c bioconda scanorama -y
conda install -c conda-forge datashader -y
conda install -c anaconda openpyxl
pip install -e ./Cytophenograph/FlowSOM_LugliLab
pip install phenograph==1.5.7
pip install fcsy
conda install -c bioconda bioconductor-flowai
conda install scikit-image


Please visit Docker Hub:


use Dockerfile

docker build  -t cytophenograph6 .

To test the execution:


mkdir -p $abs_path/Cytophenograph/output_test

docker run --entrypoint /bin/bash -v $abs_path:/data -w /data -p 8891:8891  -it cytophenograph6

Inside the docker execute:

python -i /data/Example_One_Inputs/CSVFiles/ -o /data/output_test/ -k 60 -m /data/Example_One_Inputs/InfoFile/marker.txt -n Test -t 10 -p /data/Example_One_Inputs/InfoFile/Info_file_bulk_Test.xlsx -c Phenograph

Move on Phenograph folder

python ./Cytophenograph/ --help

Test Execution

mkdir -p $abs_path/Cytophenograph/output_test
# Run Phenograph
python ./Cytophenograph/ -i $abs_path/Cytophenograph/Example_One_Inputs/CSVFiles/ -o $abs_path/Cytophenograph/output_test/ -k 60 -m $abs_path/Cytophenograph/Example_One_Inputs/InfoFile/marker.txt -n Test -t 10 -p $abs_path/Cytophenograph/Example_One_Inputs/InfoFile/Info_file_bulk_Test.xlsx -c Phenograph
# Run VIA
python ./Cytophenograph/ -i $abs_path/Cytophenograph/Example_One_Inputs/CSVFiles/ -o $abs_path/Cytophenograph/output_test/ -w 30 -z 1.0 -m $abs_path/Cytophenograph/Example_One_Inputs/InfoFile/marker.txt -n Test -t 10 -p $abs_path/Cytophenograph/Example_One_Inputs/InfoFile/Info_file_bulk_Test.xlsx -c VIA
# Run Flowsom
python ./Cytophenograph/ -i $abs_path/Cytophenograph/Example_One_Inputs/CSVFiles/ -o $abs_path/Cytophenograph/output_test/ -x 5 -y 31 -m $abs_path/Cytophenograph/Example_One_Inputs/InfoFile/marker.txt  -n Test -t 10 -p $abs_path/Cytophenograph/Example_One_Inputs/InfoFile/Info_file_bulk_Test.xlsx -c FlowSOM

Pipeline has been testen on Linux and Mac OS. Know bug: Scipy version must <1.4.1, During the execution of "pip install scipy==1.4.1 --use-feature=2020-resolver". User could obtain this warning "ERROR: scanorama 1.6 requires intervaltree==2.1.0, but you'll have intervaltree 3.0.2 which is incompatible. anndata 0.7.4 requires pandas>=1.0, but you'll have pandas 0.25.3 which is incompatible. phenograph 1.5.7 requires scipy>=1.5.1, but you'll have scipy 1.4.1 which is incompatible." Please ignore this warning.

File preparation:


  • [Output Folder]: Empty folder where user will find .h5ad file ( ready to use for Cellxgene, CSVcluster folder and CSVsample folder with Tot_counts.txt and Tot_percentage.txtand with absolute and percentage frequency and log.txt with analysis execution information.

Graphics output h5ad file with UMAP and others graphical output could be open with Cellxgene ( ).