FFImageLoading 1.1
Transformations are now possible on iOS and Android using a similar API as in Picasso. Huge thanks to @c1rus for helping here.
.Transform(new CropCircleTransformation())
.Transform(new GrayscaleTransformation())
Original image, prior to transformation, is cached to disk. Transformed image is cached in memory. If the same image, with same transformations is requested then it will be loaded from memory.
For more information about transformations open our sample project.
There is now a Success overload that gives back width and height of the loaded image. #9
.Success((width, height) =>
// your code here...
Bugs fixed
- Memory cache was not always used 35fcdb1
- Similar requests were not always deduplicated bca2afe?&w=1 and a17e66c?w=1