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initial commit #4

Workflow file for this run

name: CI
- "**.md"
- "docs/**"
- "**.md"
- "docs/**"
DEV_ROCKSPEC: lua-cryptorandom-dev-1.rockspec
# cplusplus-build:
# name: Build C++
# runs-on: ubuntu-latest
# defaults:
# run:
# shell: pwsh
# strategy:
# matrix:
# lua-version:
# - 5.1.5
# - 5.2.4
# - 5.3.6
# - 5.4.7
# use-clang:
# - 'true'
# - 'false'
# steps:
# - name: Validate Lua version
# run: |
# if (-not ("${{ matrix.lua-version }}" -match "^(\d+)\.(\d+)(\.\d+)*$"))
# {
# Write-Host "Invalid Lua version (X.Y.Z) expected";
# exit 1;
# }
# - name: Checkout
# uses: actions/checkout@v4
# with:
# path: lua-cryptorandom
# - name: Install dependencies
# run: sudo apt install -y libssl-dev libreadline-dev
# - name: Install clang
# if: ${{ matrix.use-clang == 'true' }}
# run: sudo apt install -y clang
# - name: Download and extract Lua ${{ matrix.lua-version }} source code, and set environment variables
# run: |
# $targz = "lua-${{ matrix.lua-version }}.tar.gz";
# $targz_path = Join-Path -Path "${{ runner.temp }}" -ChildPath $targz;
# Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "${targz}" -OutFile "$targz_path";
# tar -C "${{ runner.temp }}" -xf "$targz_path";
# $lua_source_dir = Join-Path -Path "${{ runner.temp }}" -ChildPath "lua-${{ matrix.lua-version }}";
# if (-not (Test-Path $lua_source_dir))
# {
# $color = (0x1b -as [char]) + "[36m";
# Write-Host "Unable to find Lua source code directory: ${color}${lua_source_dir}";
# exit 1;
# }
# $install_dir = Join-Path -Path "${{ runner.temp }}" -ChildPath "installed-lua-${{ matrix.lua-version }}";
# if ("${{ matrix.use-clang }}" -eq "true")
# {
# Add-Content "${{ github.env }}" "CC=clang++";
# }
# else
# {
# Add-Content "${{ github.env }}" "CC=g++";
# }
# Add-Content "${{ github.env }}" "LUA_SRC_DIR=${lua_source_dir}";
# Add-Content "${{ github.env }}" "LUA_DIR=${install_dir}";
# - name: Build Lua ${{ matrix.lua-version }}
# run: |
# make -C "${{ env.LUA_SRC_DIR }}" `
# linux `
# "CC=${{ env.CC }}";
# - name: Install Lua ${{ matrix.lua-version }}, and set environment variables
# run: |
# make -C "${{ env.LUA_SRC_DIR }}" `
# install `
# "INSTALL_TOP=${{ env.LUA_DIR }}";
# $lua_bindir = Join-Path -Path "${{ env.LUA_DIR }}" -ChildPath "bin";
# $lua_incdir = Join-Path -Path "${{ env.LUA_DIR }}" -ChildPath "include";
# Add-Content "${{ github.path }}" "${lua_bindir}";
# Add-Content "${{ github.env }}" "LUA_INCDIR=${lua_incdir}";
# - name: Compile lua-cryptorandom
# working-directory: lua-cryptorandom
# run: |
# ${{ env.CC }} `
# "-O2" `
# "-Wall" `
# "-c" `
# "-fPIC" `
# "-o" "src/lua-cryptorandom.o" `
# "-I${{ env.LUA_INCDIR }}" `
# "-Isrc" `
# "src/lua-cryptorandom.c";
# - name: Link lua-cryptorandom
# working-directory: lua-cryptorandom
# run: |
# ${{ env.CC }} "-shared" `
# "-o" "" `
# "src/lua-cryptorandom.o" `
# "-ldl" `
# "-lcrypto";
# - name: Run samples
# working-directory: lua-cryptorandom
# run: |
# Get-ChildItem "samples" -Recurse -File |
# Where-Object Extension -EQ ".lua" |
# Select-Object -ExpandProperty FullName |
# Foreach-Object {
# $color = (0x1b -as [char]) + "[36m";
# Write-Host "Running sample file: ${color}$_";
# lua "$_";
# if ($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0)
# {
# exit 1;
# }
# };
# clang-build:
# name: Clang Build
# runs-on: ubuntu-latest
# defaults:
# run:
# shell: pwsh
# strategy:
# matrix:
# lua-version:
# - 5.1.5
# - 5.2.4
# - 5.3.6
# - 5.4.7
# steps:
# - name: Validate Lua version
# run: |
# if (-not ("${{ matrix.lua-version }}" -match "^(\d+)\.(\d+)(\.\d+)*$"))
# {
# Write-Host "Invalid Lua version (X.Y.Z) expected";
# exit 1;
# }
# - name: Checkout
# uses: actions/checkout@v4
# with:
# path: lua-cryptorandom
# - name: Install dependencies
# run: sudo apt install -y libssl-dev libreadline-dev clang
# - name: Download and extract Lua ${{ matrix.lua-version }} source code, and set environment variables
# run: |
# $targz = "lua-${{ matrix.lua-version }}.tar.gz";
# $targz_path = Join-Path -Path "${{ runner.temp }}" -ChildPath $targz;
# Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "${targz}" -OutFile "$targz_path";
# tar -C "${{ runner.temp }}" -xf "$targz_path";
# $lua_source_dir = Join-Path -Path "${{ runner.temp }}" -ChildPath "lua-${{ matrix.lua-version }}";
# if (-not (Test-Path $lua_source_dir))
# {
# $color = (0x1b -as [char]) + "[36m";
# Write-Host "Unable to find Lua source code directory: ${color}${lua_source_dir}";
# exit 1;
# }
# $install_dir = Join-Path -Path "${{ runner.temp }}" -ChildPath "installed-lua-${{ matrix.lua-version }}";
# Add-Content "${{ github.env }}" "CC=clang";
# Add-Content "${{ github.env }}" "LUA_SRC_DIR=${lua_source_dir}";
# Add-Content "${{ github.env }}" "LUA_DIR=${install_dir}";
# - name: Build Lua ${{ matrix.lua-version }}
# run: |
# make -C "${{ env.LUA_SRC_DIR }}" `
# linux `
# "CC=${{ env.CC }}";
# - name: Install Lua ${{ matrix.lua-version }}, and set environment variables
# run: |
# make -C "${{ env.LUA_SRC_DIR }}" `
# install `
# "INSTALL_TOP=${{ env.LUA_DIR }}";
# $lua_bindir = Join-Path -Path "${{ env.LUA_DIR }}" -ChildPath "bin";
# $lua_incdir = Join-Path -Path "${{ env.LUA_DIR }}" -ChildPath "include";
# Add-Content "${{ github.path }}" "${lua_bindir}";
# Add-Content "${{ github.env }}" "LUA_INCDIR=${lua_incdir}";
# - name: Compile lua-cryptorandom
# working-directory: lua-cryptorandom
# run: |
# ${{ env.CC }} `
# "-O2" `
# "-Wall" `
# "-c" `
# "-fPIC" `
# "-o" "src/lua-cryptorandom.o" `
# "-I${{ env.LUA_INCDIR }}" `
# "-Isrc" `
# "src/lua-cryptorandom.c";
# - name: Link lua-cryptorandom
# working-directory: lua-cryptorandom
# run: |
# ${{ env.CC }} "-shared" `
# "-o" "" `
# "src/lua-cryptorandom.o" `
# "-ldl" `
# "-lcrypto";
# - name: Run samples
# working-directory: lua-cryptorandom
# run: |
# Get-ChildItem "samples" -Recurse -File |
# Where-Object Extension -EQ ".lua" |
# Select-Object -ExpandProperty FullName |
# Foreach-Object {
# $color = (0x1b -as [char]) + "[36m";
# Write-Host "Running sample file: ${color}$_";
# lua "$_";
# if ($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0)
# {
# exit 1;
# }
# };
name: Build
runs-on: ${{ matrix.os }}
shell: pwsh
# - 5.1
# - 5.2
# - 5.3
- 5.4
# - luajit
# - windows-latest
# - ubuntu-latest
- macos-latest
# exclude:
# - os: macos-latest
# lua-version: luajit
- name: Set environment variable to hold the rockspec name
run: |
if ("${{ github.repository }}" -eq "luau-project/lua-cryptorandom" -and "${{ github.ref_name }}" -eq "v${{ env.ROCKSPEC_VERSION }}" -and "${{ github.ref }}" -eq "refs/tags/v${{ env.ROCKSPEC_VERSION }}")
Add-Content "${{ github.env }}" "ROCKSPEC=lua-cryptorandom-${{ env.ROCKSPEC_VERSION }}-1.rockspec";
Add-Content "${{ github.env }}" "ROCKSPEC=${{ env.DEV_ROCKSPEC }}";
- name: Checkout
uses: actions/checkout@v4
path: lua-cryptorandom
- name: Install libssl-dev
if: ${{ matrix.os == 'ubuntu-latest' }}
run: sudo apt install -y libssl-dev
- name: Setup MSVC dev-prompt
if: ${{ matrix.os == 'windows-latest' && matrix.lua-version != 'luajit' }}
uses: ilammy/msvc-dev-cmd@v1
- name: Setup Lua
uses: luarocks/gh-actions-lua@v10
luaVersion: ${{ matrix.lua-version }}
- name: Setup LuaRocks
uses: luarocks/gh-actions-luarocks@v5
- name: Lint rockspecs
working-directory: lua-cryptorandom
run: |
Get-ChildItem . -Recurse -File |
Where-Object Extension -Eq ".rockspec" |
Select-Object -ExpandProperty FullName |
Foreach-Object {
$color = (0x1b -as [char]) + "[36m";
Write-Host "Linting rockspec: ${color}$_";
luarocks lint "$_";
if ($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0)
exit 1;
- name: Build lua-cryptorandom
working-directory: lua-cryptorandom
run: |
$rockspec = Get-ChildItem . -Recurse -File |
Where-Object Name -EQ "${{ env.ROCKSPEC }}" |
Select-Object -ExpandProperty FullName -First 1;
$color = (0x1b -as [char]) + "[36m";
Write-Host "Building rockspec file: ${color}${rockspec}";
luarocks make $rockspec;
- name: Run samples
working-directory: lua-cryptorandom
run: |
Get-ChildItem "samples" -Recurse -File |
Where-Object Extension -EQ ".lua" |
Select-Object -ExpandProperty FullName |
Foreach-Object {
$color = (0x1b -as [char]) + "[36m";
Write-Host "Running sample file: ${color}$_";
lua "$_";
if ($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0)
exit 1;
# msys2-build:
# name: MSYS2 Build
# runs-on: windows-latest
# defaults:
# run:
# shell: msys2 {0}
# strategy:
# matrix:
# - { sys: mingw64, env: x86_64 }
# - { sys: ucrt64, env: ucrt-x86_64 }
# - { sys: clang64, env: clang-x86_64 }
# Lua:
# - { version: '5.4', msys2-pkg-name: 'lua', msys2-lua-interpreter: 'lua' }
# - { version: '5.3', msys2-pkg-name: 'lua53', msys2-lua-interpreter: 'lua5.3' }
# - { version: '5.1', msys2-pkg-name: 'lua51', msys2-lua-interpreter: 'lua5.1' }
# - { version: '5.1', msys2-pkg-name: 'luajit', msys2-lua-interpreter: 'luajit' }
# env:
# LUA_INTERPRETER: /${{ matrix.MSYS2_CONFIG.sys }}/bin/${{ matrix.Lua.msys2-lua-interpreter }}
# steps:
# - name: Setup MSYS2
# uses: msys2/setup-msys2@v2
# with:
# msystem: ${{ matrix.MSYS2_CONFIG.sys }}
# install: |
# base-devel
# git
# mingw-w64-${{ matrix.MSYS2_CONFIG.env }}-cc
# mingw-w64-${{ matrix.MSYS2_CONFIG.env }}-${{ matrix.Lua.msys2-pkg-name }}
# mingw-w64-${{ matrix.MSYS2_CONFIG.env }}-lua-luarocks
# - name: Set environment variable to hold the rockspec name
# run: |
# if [[ "${{ github.repository }}" == "luau-project/lua-cryptorandom" ]] && [[ "${{ github.ref_name }}" == "v${{ env.ROCKSPEC_VERSION }}" ]] && [[ "${{ github.ref }}" == "refs/tags/v${{ env.ROCKSPEC_VERSION }}" ]];
# then
# echo "ROCKSPEC=lua-cryptorandom-${{ env.ROCKSPEC_VERSION }}-1.rockspec" >> "${{ github.env }}";
# else
# echo "ROCKSPEC=${{ env.DEV_ROCKSPEC }}" >> "${{ github.env }}";
# fi;
# - name: Configure LuaRocks
# run: |
# source /etc/makepkg_mingw.conf
# echo "CC=/${{ matrix.MSYS2_CONFIG.sys }}/bin/${CC}" >> "${{ github.env }}"
# echo "CFLAGS=${CFLAGS}" >> "${{ github.env }}"
# luarocks config lua_version "${{ matrix.Lua.version }}"
# luarocks config lua_dir "/${{ matrix.MSYS2_CONFIG.sys }}"
# - name: Checkout
# uses: actions/checkout@v4
# with:
# path: lua-cryptorandom
# - name: Lint rockspecs
# working-directory: lua-cryptorandom
# run: |
# for rockspec in rockspecs/*.rockspec;
# do
# echo -e "Linting rockspec: \e[36m${rockspec}\e[0m";
# luarocks lint "${rockspec}";
# done;
# - name: Build lua-cryptorandom
# working-directory: lua-cryptorandom
# run: |
# rockspec="rockspecs/${{ env.ROCKSPEC }}";
# echo -e "Building rockspec: \e[36m${rockspec}\e[0m";
# luarocks make ${rockspec};
# - name: Run samples
# working-directory: lua-cryptorandom
# run: |
# for sample in samples/*.lua;
# do
# echo -e "Running sample file: \e[36m${sample}\e[0m"
# ${{ env.LUA_INTERPRETER }} $sample;
# done;
# upload-rockspec:
# name: Upload rockspec
# runs-on: ubuntu-latest
# if: ${{ github.repository == 'luau-project/lua-cryptorandom' && github.ref_type == 'tag' }}
# needs:
# - cplusplus-build
# - clang-build
# - build
# - msys2-build
# defaults:
# run:
# shell: pwsh
# steps:
# - name: Set environment variable to hold the rockspec name
# run: |
# if ("${{ github.repository }}" -eq "luau-project/lua-cryptorandom" -and "${{ github.ref_name }}" -eq "v${{ env.ROCKSPEC_VERSION }}" -and "${{ github.ref }}" -eq "refs/tags/v${{ env.ROCKSPEC_VERSION }}")
# {
# Add-Content "${{ github.env }}" "ROCKSPEC=lua-cryptorandom-${{ env.ROCKSPEC_VERSION }}-1.rockspec";
# }
# else
# {
# $color = (0x1b -as [char]) + "[31m";
# Write-Host "${color}Unexpected upload condition for the tag";
# exit 1;
# }
# - name: Checkout
# uses: actions/checkout@v4
# with:
# path: lua-cryptorandom
# - name: Setup Lua
# uses: luarocks/gh-actions-lua@v10
# - name: Setup LuaRocks
# uses: luarocks/gh-actions-luarocks@v5
# - name: Make sure that tags from GitHub and rockspec are equal
# run: |
# $rockspec = Get-ChildItem . -Recurse -File |
# Where-Object Name -EQ "${{ env.ROCKSPEC }}" |
# Select-Object -ExpandProperty FullName -First 1;
# $rockspec_tag = lua -e "dofile(arg[0]); io.write(source.tag);" -- "${rockspec}";
# $github_tag = "${{ github.ref_name }}";
# if ("${rockspec_tag}" -ne "${github_tag}")
# {
# $color_msg = (0x1b -as [char]) + "[31m";
# $color_reset = (0x1b -as [char]) + "[0m";
# $color_tag = (0x1b -as [char]) + "[33m";
# Write-Host "${color_msg}Tag mismatch${color_reset}: GitHub tag (${color_tag}${github_tag}${color_reset}) != rockspec tag (${color_tag}${rockspec_tag}${color_reset})";
# exit 1;
# }
# - name: Install LuaRocks dependencies to upload
# run: |
# sudo apt install -y libssl-dev;
# luarocks install dkjson;
# luarocks install luasocket;
# luarocks install luasec;
# - name: Upload rockspec to LuaRocks
# working-directory: lua-cryptorandom
# env:
# run: |
# $rockspec = Get-ChildItem . -Recurse -File |
# Where-Object Name -EQ "${{ env.ROCKSPEC }}" |
# Select-Object -ExpandProperty FullName -First 1;
# $color = (0x1b -as [char]) + "[36m";
# Write-Host "Uploading rockspec: ${color}${rockspec}";
# luarocks upload $rockspec "--temp-key=$env:UPLOAD_KEY" --skip-pack