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This repository was archived by the owner on Aug 19, 2023. It is now read-only.

Python template project with linter, formatter and pre-commit

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🐍 Python template project with linter, formatter and pre-commit

🔎 Overview

Use this template repository for fast Python development or test automation framework setup

🛠️ Included tools

📝 Visual Studio Code

This repository includes .vscode workspace configuration for Python language, linter, formatter and editor customization

✅ Linter and Formatter

This repository includes flake8, black and isort tools to maintain code consistency and quality. These tools together with VSCode configuration helps code quality while developing but they will run on commit and on pull request on GitHub

The configuration file for these tools are:

  • .flake8 for flake8 linter
  • pyproject.toml for black and isort formatter
    • [] for black configuration
    • [tool.isort] for isort configuration, uses black as profile

🤖 Pre-commit

This repository includes pre-commit that runs on commit and have the following repo hooks:

  • pre-commit-hooks some built-in hooks
  • poetry
    • poetry-check to check if poetry configuration is not broken
    • poetry-lock to make sure poetry.lock file is up-to-date
    • poetry-export to export installed packages to dev-requirements.txt for the ones installed with poetry install --group dev and to requirements.txt to include main packages, excluding the dev
  • local for local hooks using the same configuration used in the Linter and Formatter section
    • black to check code formatting and show diff on FAIL and again to auto-format the code based on the pyproject.toml configuration
    • isort to sort imports, using black as profile
    • flake8 to code lint and style checks using .flake8 file

⚙️ GitHub Action

This repository includes a GitHub Action workflow on .github/workflows/ci.yaml that runs the pre-commit on all files in the Pull Request

🎓 How-to use this template

Follow these steps to create a new repository using this template:

From this repository URL, select Use this template -> Create new repository, type a name for your repository, choose the repository visibility and make sure to check Include all branches so you have access to other Python versions setup

After cloning the new repository, change to the corresponding branch of the Python version you want to use on your project. Rename or remove src/template_project directory and update section [tool.poetry] from pyproject.toml file and run the following commands to install project dependencies and pre-commit:

Make sure to have the corresponding Python version installed and to be in use in the current shell. As recommendation, use Pyenv to manage multiple Python versions

python-template-project ❯ poetry shell
python-template-project (template-project-py3.11) ❯ poetry update
python-template-project (template-project-py3.11) ❯ pre-commit install

If you don't want to use poetry, you can use the [dev-]requirements.txt files as they are synched with the poetry dependencies but then you have to control them yourself


  • You can remove any other branch you don't need
  • You can set the selected branch to be the default, remove the main branch and then rename the selected one to main or anything you desire


Available Python setup


  • Python 3.7
  • Python 3.8
  • Python 3.9
  • Python 3.10
  • Python 3.11

As some of the tools available doesn't support anymore or are not available for Python 3.6, the branch setup will not be created in this template. If you really need it, feel free to use this template and configure it to Python 3.6 as you wish, if possible