This Ember-cli addon provides date and time related tools for Ember applications. The primary components consist of a date-picker, time-picker and a calendar.
ember install ember-time-tools
Create a DatePickerComponent using the following example:
{{date-picker selectedDate=selectedDate select=(action "select")}}
You can use the InputDateComponent to create a html input
element and a DatePickerComponent in one.
{{input-date value=date}}
Create a TimePickerComponent using the following example:
{{time-picker selectedTime=selectedTime select=(action "select")}}
You can use the InputTimeComponent to create a html input
element and a TimePickerComponent in one.
{{input-time value=time}}
You can create a CalendarMonthComponent using the following example:
{{calendar-month events=model}}
Ember version ^2.0 is required for this addon to function correctly. Ember v1.x is not supported.