This release is not save-game compatible with previous versions.
- Compatibility with vanilla 2.5.1, and adjusted opinions to new vanilla balance
- Merged vanilla 2.4 map changes, i.e. new provinces and landed titles in the steppes.
- Added the Plague of Justinian epidemic (bubonic plague) that may occur once in the 6th century, with possible recurrence during 7th and 8th century
- Fixed CTD when typing some letters in Find Title, due to some empty custom regions
- Integrated IratePirate's work with Northern Africa see on: https://forum.paradoxplaza.com/forum/index.php?threads/landed-title-localisation.880585/
- Added a new government type: Bureaucratic for the WRE and ERE based on the Imperial Legacy sub-mod by Arcvalons
- Added a new Imperial Reconquest CB for the ERE, WRE, roman/roman-influenced kingdoms and the unified Roman Empire with corresponding custom regions for the boundaries based on the Imperial Legacy sub-mod by Arcvalons
- Added two new laws for the ERE and WRE, Stability and Bureaucracy based on the Imperial Legacy sub-mod by Arcvalons
- Upgraded Ancient Religions mod to v0.37.1 "Cecrops" release from v0.36.3, see changelog on https://github.com/xirsoi/ancientreligions/blob/master/ACR_Changelog.txt
- Activated vanilla epidemic diseases in the mod timeframe.
- Added some Byzantine and Ostrogothic flavour events and some historical characters such as Belisarius (plus a few Totila tweaks) with their respective event armies added.
- Split assyrian_pagan, donatist and semitic_pagan_reformed religion features into separate localization keys, and clean them up.
- Overrode completly_controls trigger localization to be more explicit (i.e. need to control all baronies under the title)
- Fixed some syntax errors in MZ events/localization
- Fixed integration issue between patron deities and ACR mods.
- Removed duplicate decision employ_soldier between vanilla and VIET.
- Fixed some encoding issues on character names, including Theoderic Gothic name.
- Added some holy sites for the Eiateuta, Aquileian and Sanamahi religions, courtesy of Troy47
- Added founder_named_dynasties = yes to many cultures without dynasty names
- Added the Assyrian culture, based upon the New Cultures thread. The provinces with the Ashurian religion are now of Assyrian culture.
- Made the unification CB to work again.
- Fixed some localization for holy tree events.
- Added missing gods and high god localization for some religions
- Fixed a bad trigger for c_legio_i_suburbicaria decision
- Changed the Great Seas Merchant Company to no longer be a mercenary company in addition to a merchant republic, as it was causing game over.
- Fixed some unformable titular Khaganates due to them being landless / not deactivated.
- Added custom geographical regions to replace title checks for some culture melting-pots
- Fixed create legion decision to not grant a strong claim
- Fixed legion dissolution event to use another workaround than killing the holder!
- Added "No vassal opinion from raised levies" and "Peace piety loss" for Ashurian religion.
- Disabled "convert to spouse religion" decisions for the AI, like in vanilla.
- Disabled Holy Wars for the realms that can use the Imperial Reconquest CB (First step towards entirely disabling them before the RoI)
- Added a new "Augustus" nickname for the WRE emperors, new minor titles and roman title localisations from the Imperial Legacy sub-mod by Arcvalons
- Added Mediterranean portraits sub-mod (requiring Mediterranean portraits DLC) to use Byzantine faces for Romans, in place of 'potato' faces.
- Modified the roman empire restoration decision from LoR and events so that the WRE can pass it and get notified of it
- Added a decision to unite the two roman empire titles into the unified roman empire in case you hold both at once (requiring Legacy of Rome DLC)
- Added a decision that allows one of the roman empires to have acess to the entirety of the Imperial Reconquest CB in case the other empire does no longer exist
- Integrated the hereditary tributes system from CK2Plus, made by Rylock
- Separated all employment decisions into a separate file
- Continued work on the French localisation of the mod
- Added some Thracian governors
- Removed Gone Pagan functionality from ACR
- Disabled Islam dynamic Prophet event chain
- Added military agnomen for victorious Roman commanders
- Added some character descriptions in era screen
- Fixed missing nomadic buildings in technology, due to bad merge
- Changed migration CB troops to be light infantry rather than horse archers
- Fixed Childeric I regnal number being hardcoded in the name
- Fixed Cybelian religion missing holy sites, due to being defined before its parent religion in the file