- Updated WSWSMS.mod to remove some replace_path and removed duplicated files from vanilla (flags, map, events, ...) to reduce mod size and improve maintainability/compatibility.
- Fixed "Adopt feudalism" and "Adopt republicanism" decisions
- Fixed "Demand Religious Conversion" diploaction
- Fixed gfx for vassal units using muslimgfx instead of proper culturegfx
- Started adding Romance melting-pot events (VERY WIP-now including skeletal melting pots for: gothi culture, which shifts to Castillian, Leonese, Catalan, Portugese or Andalusian; Italian, which emerges from Latin; Occitan and French that emerge in different circumstances from Roman-Gallic; and other cultural shifts to eliminate the continental celtics and visigoths that linger on so that later melting pots will facilitate).
- Added a ChangeLog.txt
- Added an INSTALL.txt
- Merged with vanilla 2.3.2
- Fixed some pagan reformed religious head already existing at game start for d_african_solar_pagan_reformed, d_central_african_pagan_reformed, d_zun_pagan_reformed and d_latin_solar_pagan_reformed
- Fixed description for Roman Forum building
- Added CoA patterns for Jewish, Hypsistarian, Sanamahi, Hellenic, Armazi, Berber, Zunist, Dravidan, Neoplatonist/Cybelian, Ashurist and Kemetic/Manudlist
- Expanded CoA patterns for Zoroastrians, Tabitian and Semitic
- Edited CoA patterns for Christians to remove period inappropriate elements
- Added a new, more accurate flag for the kingdom of Rheged, courtesy of Pressburger
- Fixed some pagan religion CoA defaulting to Christian because they were not assigned to a template
- Reworked some de jure colors in Africa, so that borders are more distinctive (WIP)
- Fixed typos amongst the loadingtips
- Added missing welsh culture from vanilla
- Fixed a bunch of validation errors with The Validator
- Centered the bookmarks in the "Choose your starting era" window
- Continued adding in British Localisation, courtesy of Mr. Repwoc
- Added missing traits "Greens supporter" and "Blues supporter"
- Fixed typo in Early Islam events
- Added some missing localizations
- Corrected some localizations typos
- Tweaked SoA pilgrimage events to have basic support for all Christian religions (Nicene, Insular, ...)
- Added various Kaabite tweaks & changes, courtesy of Pressburger
- Fixed the no_culture orthodox issue
- Added the missing tech seed value for the duchy of Frisia
- Added some crimean gothic dynasty names, courtesy of Comradebot
- Fixed Cephalonia province missing landed titles
- Added missing holy sites for Kemetic, Semitic, Docetic and Manichean
- Fixed some missing holdings, in particular in Arabia