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@loup99 loup99 released this 04 Jun 11:46
· 1518 commits to master since this release

This release is save-game compatible with the previous version


  • Compatibility with vanilla 2.8.2
  • Completed the French translation of the mod, courtesy of Mouchi and Domper59
    • Added an optional sub-mod for a complete French translation, with war names and titles being in French
  • Overhauled the Romance melting-pots system according to, with the following added, together with Christianity conversion events:
    • Roman -> Italian
    • Romano-Gallic -> French, Galleis or Occitan
    • Romano-Hispanic -> Catalan, Portuguese, Castilian, Leonese or Andalusian
    • Romano-British -> Brídaney
    • African Romance -> Réyanu
    • Romano-Illyrian -> Dalmatian
    • Romano-Noric -> Romansh
    • Raetian -> Romansh
    • Rumanescu -> Vlach
    • Thraco-Roman -> Vlach
    • Pannonian -> Pièlsuzhany


  • Integrated Ancient Religions v0.41.2 "Aura", for compatibility with 2.8.2
  • Added three new loadingscreens, and updated three older loadingscreens
  • Disabled all references to the Tibetan region pending its addition
  • Updated the Chinese Emperor preferences to take into account WtWSMS culture groups
  • Moved the Strathclyde capital towards Clydesdale/Alt Clut
  • Added Theodoric Strabo's Thracian Goths as foederatis of the ERE
  • Added a minor decision allowing Dravidian Pagan rulers to erect a hero stone
  • Lowered the Sassanid government penalty from -35 to -25 in vassal opinion
  • Renamed the Nords to Nordron as an Anglicisation of the Nordic term "Norrøn"
  • Added a realm size requirement to the formation of the Western Scholae Palatinae to make it slightly more challenging to form it
  • Divided the political situation in Southern Norway held by the Nords into four tribes based upon Jordanes: the Arochi in Hordaland, the Augandzi in Agder, the Granni in Grenland and Raumaricae in Romerike, courtesy of Abian36
  • Split the duchy of Prussia in two for balance
  • Added unique icons for the Samaritan religion, courtesy of majesty8
  • Added an event to destroy the Western Roman Empire title if Julius Nepos dies without any dynastic heir
  • Added events to shatter tribal de jure kingdoms upon the death of a ruler with a weak heir, to represent the fluctuating nature of tribal realms
  • Modified some recommended game rules so that the Aztec Invasion is by default off, culture conversions are by default restricted, supernatural events are by default turned off and devil worshipers don't exist by default
  • Added the Anastasian War and Iberian War as new historical wars between the ERE and Sassanids
  • Made Toledo the capital of the Visigoths after 585
  • Corrected some Finnic title names based upon the feedback of Kapitalisti in the suggestions thread
  • Added five new songs written by Christian Szajna, of which two new general songs for rulers in Europe, one for Feudal and Bureaucratic rulers, one for rulers in the Far East and a general one for all
  • Dravidian Pagans may now become Samrat Chakravartin
  • Changed the cultural localisation for Saxons and Angles of Derby to Pecsæt instead of Widerigga
  • Made the Shetlands Pictish rather than Irish
  • Modified the province ownerships between the Visigoths, Soissons and the Burgundians in Gaul to better reflect the historical reality
  • Disabled religions that appear with the Great Schism in the Ruler Designer
  • Separated the duchies of Iceland and Orkney from Norway to a separate kingdom to prevent the Norwegian kings from having de jure claims
  • Added Camel Cavalry as retinue and cultural building for the East Semitic culture group
  • Replaced the empire of Africa requirement for forming the Anubis Guard with a requirement to be of empire rank
  • Added the Tsakonian culture to the Romance group with access to Roman content
  • Fixed Saint Remi of Reims being born at the wrong date and not holding the bishopric of Reims
  • Made Celtic Pagans slightly less disposed to use the County Conquest CB to prevent the AI from expanding too quickly
  • Added more members of Theoderic Strabo's family, including his father Triarchius and his wife Sigilda
  • Disabled patron saints for Total Depravity based upon forum feedback
  • Made the colours of the duchies of Gurma and Oulata more distinct for them to be discernible on the map
  • Made the Three Chapters Schism and resolution of it slower for it to be more accurate and less predictable
  • Added and adapted events for joining the Western Scholae Palatinae
  • Added female versions of Roman victory titles (e.g. female victor in Germania will be Germanica instead of Germanicus)
  • Applied intermarry rules between different Gnostic religions
  • Added missing icons for "Romantic Interest in spouse" and "Romantic Interest in courtier" decisions
  • Made Cearl Iclingas son of Creoda and delayed his birth date slightly to match dates as per forum suggestion
  • Added a Gurzil image artifact
  • Changed Öland's culture into Auiones
  • Made Gotland Gutnish cultured
  • Made the North Germanic rulers less likely to use the County Conquest CB before the Viking Age
  • Added a workaround to prevent Roman Emperors from being called "Pontifex Maximus" after restoring the pontificate
  • Changed the Basque and Aquitani dynasty naming from the prefix "de" to the suffix "koa" for accuracy
  • Changed some Basque surnames to remove Spanicised variants
  • Changed the four Pictish kingdoms into duchies
  • Changed Crimea to be under the control of the ERE during Justinian's reign
  • Made it possible for the three Hellenic heresies (Neoplatonism, Mithraism and Cybelian) to join the Hermetic society
  • Prevented the event for a religious head affected by pestilence from firing repeatedly for a quick succession of heads affected within less than five years
  • Added a create Audianistic Papacy decision for the successful Audianistic religion
  • Added a Roman event picture with the Colosseum for Roman castle construction
  • Removed anachronistic Manx culture characters at start
  • Added historical holders of Arcadia
  • Added a decision for the ERE to adopt Greek as an official language after having adopted a themes system
  • Rewritten some counties' history to match the king order of the Visigoths
  • Fixed Franks taking Montpelier and Narbonne in 561
  • Numahr's edits in Central Asia:
    • Created Sogdian vassals within the Hephthalite realm
    • Moved the Hephthalites capital to Balkh
    • Given the Hephthalites access to the delta of Syr Darya
    • Given Khurmazta religion, an already coded in Zoroastrian heresy covering Central Asian Zoroastrianism, to Sogdians.
    • Focused development in oasis and made steppes empty but not terra incognita.
    • Adjusted the de jure setup to better reflect how physical geography impacted geopolitics or correct glitches
    • Slightly adjusted character history in the Tarim to reflect then-current geopolitics
    • Created a ahistorical new empire-level titles "Serindia" for the Silk Road lands.
    • Given Sogdians kingdoms tolerant religious and liberal gender laws at game start
    • Created brothers and sisters for starting rulers so that they may engage in the wedding game, to give dynastic heirs and claimants and encourage other interactions at game start
  • Fixed Ouarsenis and Altava having swapped locations
  • Added a decision to hold a Midsummer celebration as an Astures or Cantabrian character to defeat the Cuélebre dragon
  • Added the Frankish invasion of Soissons in the history


  • Removed the references to hostile_within_group for individual religions when it is defined by religious group
  • Fixed an issue where the imperial fleets would disband instantly when not held by the players
  • Fixed some instances where Jade Dragon content referenced to an inexistent Chinese culture group rather than the existent Sinic group
  • Fixed some legion titles tied to the ERE being unavailable after restoring the Roman Empire
  • Fixed problems with trade post in the Amber Road and Constantinople for the Silk Road
  • Made it practically impossible to enforce demands in a migration without having occupied any land to prevent game-overs
  • Fixed the Gothic Wars ending inconclusively
  • Fixed the Tolerance law localisation referring to both options as Intolerant
  • Fixed a de jure issue which caused the Indian kingdoms of the Pandyan and Chola to be beneath the ERE
  • Fixed Zeno's invasion leading to the ERE becoming Gavelkind
  • Fixed issues with Conclave laws overwriting the Stability law for Bureaucratic realms
  • Fixed the elevate_oriens decision not checking if the title had a holder
  • Fixed Chinese invasion troops spawning in southern Libya
  • Fixed the broken conditions for forming the empire of Palmyra and a few other titular titles
  • Fixed Ebionite friends being kept after being expelled
  • Fixed it being possible to Restore the Brahmanate countless times
  • Fixed the Benedictines being impossible to join despite an event announcing it
  • Fixed non-Way of Life plots of kidnapping and fabricating treason being accessible to players owning the DLC
  • Fixed the Western Imperial Regalia remaining in the inventory of the last Western Roman emperor
  • Fixed the Bureaucratic government being lost upon repeated primary title change
  • Fixed the "Make Rome Capital" decision not working for the WRE
  • Fixed the restore Luxor decision not working due to all holding slots being filled in the province
  • Fixed events referring to Germanic Trees being burnt firing for unreformed pagans
  • Prevented the Senate approval event from firing in cases where the Senate is held by the top liege
  • Fixed the game crashing upon searching for titles with certain letters
  • Fixed the Papal States not being a Pentarch for Italia and Annonaria and thus being revocable by the WRE in 476
  • Fixed the Papal States being independent after the death of Julius Nepos
  • Fixed Hungary being instantly remained to Pannonia through CM events
  • Fixed the retinue modifiers for the Cornish and Romano-British retinue not corresponding with the retinue troops
  • Fixed the Soissons reconquest events firing for characters having Soissons as a secondary title
  • Fixed an issue which caused a broken form of the Great Schism to fire even if Nicene had become an heresy of another religion
  • Removed duplicate b_al_lith castle barony in the 719 - Mecca province
  • Fixed the Vandal cultural building not corresponding with the retinue
  • Fixed China having a perpetual civil war
  • Fixed the Confessions of St. Augustine event speaking about centuries less than a hundred years after the book was written
  • Fixed Dalmatia existing in Spain at start
  • Fixes the barony of Ta'if (b_taif) in the Mecca province and the county of At Ta'if (c_at_ta_if) being duplicate
  • Moved b_qunfudhah and b_turubah to c_at_ta_if
  • Fixed the Choose Patron Deity decision for Sanamahi rulers referencing the wrong event
  • Fixed the initial start foederati negotiations request scoping to the wrong character in localisation