This is an experimental test app. It works like the UPIC of Iannis Xenakis or synthesizes images as sound. In particular, this application uses hand-drawn sketches to convert music and synthesizers.
- First, load a hand-drawn image (jpg or png, key : 'o')
- Moving and set up a position of the red wavetable zone and the green play zone
- Change the contrast parameters of the selected area
- Playing and stopping is by spacebar
- Optional parameters are speed, frequency, overlap
A hand-drawn sketch image should be on the white background. If the background of the image is darker than a sketch, the 'Invert colors' option creates a better play and wavetable area.
There will be more features and updates.
v0.0.1 Download (Mac OS Catalina - 10.15.3) :
v0.0.1 Download (Windows 10) :
Sourcecode :
!!! I'm an artist working with code. Not a real programmer. Maybe the source code is unusual. But it works. :-).
Website :
It's made with openFrameworks C++ framework. -
- Changeable a size of the play zone and the wavetable zone
- Improve sound quality
- Node-style play function
- User interface
- Default basic wavetable
Mail: jeonghopark (at)
©2020 JeongHo Park