Rails Web Application - Regular Expressions
As I craeted this app from scratch I experienced an influx of different emotions and I wanted to express those moments via memes and gif in order to keep the buliding process fun yet instructive at the same time.
In this Rails application I have implemeted fully functional features similar to that of an online store. There is also a fully built React frontend application, so you can test if my API is working.
I was able to build out the Rails API to add functionality and feature required for a capstone project as a Student at Flatiron School.
Back-end Requirements ( Rails )
- Auth
- Multiple has_many through relationships
- Custome routes
- Custom controller / model methods
- Validations
Front-en Requirements ( React )
- Auth
- Redux (or external API)
- Custom CSS Things you may want to cover:
To download the dependencies for the frontend and backend, run:
$ bundle install $ npm install --prefix client
You can run your Rails API on localhost:3001 by running:
$ rails s
You can run your React app on localhost:3000 by running:
$ npm start --prefix client
- Ruby version
ruby '2.7.4'
System dependencies
Database creation
Use postgresql as the database for Active Record gem 'pg', '~> 1.1'
Database initialization
How to run the test suite
Services (job queues, cache servers, search engines, etc.)
Deployment instructions