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Firework Android SDK Examples GitHub Release

This repo holds the Firework Android SDK example applications.

List of example apps:

Read more about the integration here

View Options example app

This example app demonstrates all possible view options that can be used for the FwVideoFeedView initialization.

The view options can be set in 3 different methods:

  • Using FwVideoFeedView's attributes in the XML layout file
  • Using ViewOptions Builders at runtime
  • Using viewOptions Kotlin DSL methods at runtime

View Options example app

Customized View Options Player screen
View Options Screenshot View Options Screenshot

Feed Integration example app

This example app demonstrates the following scenarios of FwVideoFeedView integration: The app shows how to integrate FwVideoFeedView in activity, fragment, recycler view, and remove/add FwVideoFeedView from the container on the runtime.

  • FwVideoFeedView integrated in activity
  • FwVideoFeedView integrated in fragment
  • FwVideoFeedView integrated in recycler view
  • FwVideoFeedView add/removed from the container on the runtime.

Feed Integration example app

FwVideoFeedView in Activity FwVideoFeedView in recycler view
Feed Integration example app Feed Integration example app

Feed Resources example app

Feed Resources example app

In this example app, the FwVideoFeedView is initialized with different feedResources: Discovery, Playlist, Channel, Dynamic Content, Channel Hashtags.

Discovery Feed Player screen
discovery Screenshot discovery Screenshot
Channel Feed Player screen
channel Screenshot channel Screenshot
Playlist Feed Player screen
playlist Screenshot playlist Screenshot
Dynamic Feed Player screen
dynamic Screenshot dynamic Screenshot
Channel Hashtags Feed Player screen
channel_hashtags Screenshot channel_hashtags Screenshot
Sku Feed Player screen
sku Screenshot sku Screenshot
Single Content Feed Player screen
Single Content Screenshot Single Element Screenshot

Single-Host Livestream example app

In this example app, the FwVideoFeedView is initialized for showing single-host Livestreams.

You need a feed resource with a Single Host Livestream item.

Single-Host Livestream example app

Livestream Feed Livestream Player Livestream Features
single host livestream Screenshot single host livestream Screenshot single host livestream Screenshot

Multi-Host Livestream example app

In this example app, the FwVideoFeedView is initialized for showing multi-host Livestreams.

You need a feed resource with a Multiple Host Livestream item.

Multi-Host Livestream example app

Livestream Feed Livestream Player Livestream Features
multi host livestream Screenshot multi host livestream Screenshot multi host livestream Screenshot

Shopping example app

In this example app, the FwVideoFeedView is initialized and integrated with the shopping features of the SDK. The app has two screens which demonstrate how to setup shopping for "Shopping cart mode" and "Shop now mode".

Shopping example app

Video with products Product details page
shopping Screenshot shopping Screenshot
Shopping cart mode Shop now mode
shopping Screenshot shopping Screenshot

Share link example app

Share link example app

This example app demonstrates the share link functionality. It contains two activities:

  1. MainActivity - allows to lunch player and share the video
  2. ShareLinkActivity - handles the deep link and opens the shared video.

Also, this example demonstrates how to replace the base URL of the shared video with a custom one.

Note: Starting in Android 12 (API level 31), a generic web intent resolves to an activity in your app only if your app is approved for the specific domain contained in that web intent. If your app isn't approved for the domain, the web intent resolves to the user's default browser app instead.

Picture-in-picture example app

In this example app, the FwVideoFeedView is initialized with the picture-in-picture feature enabled.

The user can switch to the PiP mode if the device supports and this feature is not disabled for the app by

  • Leaving the app while the player is playing
  • Pressing the down chevron on the player
  • When the app calls the related public API

Picture-in-picture example app

PiP Feed Player screen in PiP mode
pip Screenshot player in pip mode Screenshot

Jetpack Compose example app

In this example app, the FwVideoFeedView is initialized for showing a discovery feed using Jetpack Compose.

Jetpack Compose example app

Discovery Feed Player screen
discovery Screenshot player Screenshot

Story block example app

This example app demonstrates the usage of StoryBlock component. This component allows to embed pager player directly in the host app's view hierarchy.

Story block example app

Story block Fullscreen Story Block
Story block example app Story block example app

In-app Language example app

This example app demonstrates how the host app can change the SDK language. The SDK Views follow the host app context language so any changes to the host app language will be applied to SDK, too.

Language example app

Language Selector Supported Languages
Language example app Language example app