My name is Ilona (Lona) van der Linden (pronouns she/her/hers). I'm a San Diego native completing my graduate studies in Computer Science at Santa Clara University. I received my bachelors of Computer Science from the University of Wyoming. I love pilates, making good coffee, cooking, and collecting vinyls.
I am actively contributing to the SCU HCI Github as part of my work with the HCI Lab.
Much of my work is hosted elsewhere on the interwebs. You can find some of the public repositories I've contributed to below. Feel free to contact me if you are curious about other samples of my work!
My work on the SMAR Project
My work at the UWyo MALLET Lab
My Senior Capstone, Simmer the Toads
SSC/CEDAR Research Lab Gitlab
My Data Visualization Final Project - not a professional project, but one I'm quite proud of!
I do not manage these repositories, so I cannot vouch for their maintenance. Happy to share updated samples of my work, please contact me!