Learn the design pattern here
# install nodejs with specific version
$ nvm install 12.6.3
# using specific nodejs
$ nvm use 12.6.3
# clone repository
$ git clone https://github.com/logustra/read.git
# open folder read
$ cd read
# instal dependencies
$ pnpm install
# build and serve with express
$ pnpm start
# build image and tag it with name read
$ docker build . -t read
# run image read in the background with port 9900
$ docker run -p 9900:9900 -d read
A guide how to create a folder using create-cli
# create atom component and give it name loading
$ node create atom loading
# create new module and give it name home
$ node create module home
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MIT License ยฉ 2020 Faizal Andyka