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LocalStack Blog

The blog uses Hugo and the doks theme.

Build and run locally

Make sure you have npm and hugo (extended - for sass compilation) installed. A VSCode devcontainer setup is available with all required tools already preconfigured.

Install dependencies

npm is used to manage the frontend dependencies.

npm install

Using the make file

A Make file is available with a dev target that runs hugo in watch mode and serves the website for preview purposes. Start it by executing

make dev

in your terminal

Build the static website

npx hugo --gc --minify

And find the results in public/

Run development server

... and to start the server

npm run server

Or alternatively (-D activates blog drafts)

hugo server --watch=true --disableFastRender -D

and navigate to http://localhost:1313


Pushing to main will trigger a github actions workflow that deploys the website via the gh-pages branch to github pages.

Migration Notice

  • The website has been migrated to another service and the blog was forked from the old repo
  • The blog is now served at / on
  • Auxiliary files that were previously hosted on the website are now hosted in an external CDN.