Dum Flyway Validate is a command-line tool to locally validate Flyway migrations. It ensures migration consistency using Git and specific conditions.
./dum-flyway-validate --migration-dir path/to/migrations --branch your-branch
Modified Migration File: Error if modified after being applied.
Added Migration File: Error if not alphabetically last in the specified directory.
Removed Migration File: Error if removed after being applied.
Renamed Migration File: Error if renamed after being applied.
: Specifies the migration directory (default: current directory).--branch
: Specifies the branch to compare against (default: empty, i.e., working directory).--debug
: Enable debug mode.--integration
: Enable integration with GitLab merge request interface.
To allow for integration with the GitLab Merge Request interface, follow these steps:
Create an access token from the repository settings on GitLab with the Reporter role. Select the api scope during token creation. The name of this access token is the name that will be displayed on the report.
Add this access token to your CI/CD variables as
. -
Set your GitLab URL as an environment variable in your CI script. Follow this standard:
. -
Ensure that in your CI script, you run the binary with the
flag to enable GitLab integration.
Here is an example of integrating Dum Flyway Validate into your CI pipeline:
- validate
MIGRATION_DIR: "<path/to/migration/directory>"
BRANCH_TO_COMPARE: "origin/main"
# for MR integration
GITLAB_URL: "https://<your-gitlab-url>/api"
GITLAB_TOKEN: $<access-token>
stage: validate
name: ghcr.io/loan-mgt/dum-flyway-validate:latest
entrypoint: [""]
when: never
- if: '$CI_PIPELINE_SOURCE == "merge_request_event"'
when: on_success
- git config --global --add safe.directory $(pwd)
- git fetch origin
- dum-flyway-validate --migration-dir $MIGRATION_DIR --branch $BRANCH_TO_COMPARE..HEAD --integration
Contributions are welcome! Feel free to submit issues or pull requests.