Start tailwind watcher:
npx tailwindcss -i ./static/styles/input.css -o ./static/styles/output.css --minify
graph TD
A[Start username: type: search] --> B[Add to Pool]
B --> C[Check Player Availability]
C --> D{Ping valid before starting game?}
D -- Yes --> E[Create Game]
D -- No --> F[Await Player Response]
F --> C
E --> G[3s Game]
G --> H{Round Start while Player Score < 3}
H -- Yes --> I[8s to Select Move]
H -- No --> J[Display Player Result]
I --> K{Move Selected?}
K -- Yes --> L[Save Move]
K -- No --> M[Time Ended Determine Winner]
L --> N[Display Waiting on Player]
N --> O[Update Score]
M --> P[Save Player Score round += 1]
P --> H
J --> Q[Save Player Result]
%% Notes
E:::note --> E_note
G:::note --> G_note
E_note[From now on if player disconnect he lose]:::note
G_note[Only allow move]:::note
class A,B,C,E,G,H,I,K,L,M,N,O,P,Q node;
class D,F,J decision;