Install Node.js and TypeScript.
# create new folder
mkdir test
cd test
# install types-for-adobe
npm init -y
npm i pravdomil/types-for-adobe
# create tsconfig.json
printf '{"compilerOptions":{"module":"none","noLib":true,"types":["types-for-adobe/illustrator/2015.3"]},"exclude":["node_modules"]}' > tsconfig.json
# change tsconfig.json types value to Adobe product you're targeting
# create index.ts
printf 'alert(String(app))' > index.ts
# open index.ts your favourite TypeScript editor and start scripting
# compile typescript files
tsc -p .
# open Adobe Illustrator -> File -> Scripts -> Other Script -> and select index.js
Declaration files is generated by extendscript-xml-to-typescript converter.
Definitions was created in summer 2017 by
You can buy a beer for him.