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This package provides an opinionated wrapper for the excellent diagram-js library.

Elements and rules can be configured for each instance through a typed blueprint.


Install diagram-js, bpmn-font and this package together:

npm install diagram-js bpmn-font @softwareatlas/blueprinted-diagram-js


Make sure you import all required stylesheets in the appropriate order. For example, when using webpack with css-loader:

@import '~diagram-js/assets/diagram-js.css';
@import '~bpmn-font/dist/css/bpmn.css';
@import '~@softwareatlas/blueprinted-diagram-js/styles.css';


For easy develop of this package, link it to a typescripted client application (e.g. an Angular app).

Check for more information.


This package heavily relies on diagram-js, so it follows a similar version numbering. We'll keep the major version in sync with diagram-js.

The minor and patch version can vary, based on features in the blueprinted-diagram-js package itself.


To publish this package, use npm to give it a version and push the tag to git:

npm version v1.0.2
git push --tags

Be sure to use semantic versioning!

Next, create a release in Gitlab using this tag. The version will automatically be published to NPM by a Github action